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dusting herself off as she stood firmly in front of Thomas and Venus, "ah yeah ― great." Thomas grumbled, Venus gulped, nodding merely as her eyes scanned the blocked path where Brenda's flashlight shone, "shit." She cursed quietly, Thomas finally noticing the problem at hand.

"No ― no, how are we gonna' get back to the others?" Sheer panick overtook him, and Venus' heart sank at his state. "Relax, I'm gonna' get us out of here." Brenda promised, going to search through her backpack, pulling out two flashlights as she handed one to Venus and the other to Thomas.

Thomas eyed the object for a quick second, before switching it on, his attention then snapping back to Brenda.

"Why are you helping us ?" Brenda didn't seem phased by his question, only continuing her whereabouts, going through her backpack.

"Trust me, it's not my idea. Jorge seems to think you guys are the ticket to the safe haven."

Safe Haven.

Venus fully focused on Brenda's words. Cocking her head. The Safe Haven was mentioned multiple times when she still found herself as an employee at the WICKED compound. It was where WICKED supposedly send the maze trail survivors, which, obviously, was a lie.

Venus was still intrigued as to what Brenda knew about the Safe Haven. Vee was about to question Brenda about this so called place, but Thomas was ahead of her.

"The what?"

"Y'know? Paradise. Safe from the sun, free of infection. Supposedly the Right Arm's been taking kids there for years. Immunes anyway." Brenda slung her backpack over her shoulder, the news slowly but surely sinking in to Venus as her eyebrows scrunched together tightly.

"You mean there's a possibility that we could all have a normal life ? I mean, as normal as can be. That this place actually exists?" Venus spoke, eyes directly focused on Brenda as the girl merely nodded,

"Where did you hear about this ? When did you know ? Why didn't ― "

"Hey, slow down with all the questions." Brenda interrupted Venus, the blonde girl biting her lip in frustration. She wanted ― she needed to know everything about this place. If there was a chance, no matter how small, that she could escape the terrors of the world, the infected, the wasteland, the elements, she'd give everything to get herself and the people she now considered her friends ,there.

"I don't know everything. All I know is that there's a possibility that this place exists, it's all Jorge has told me."

Venus slowly nodded. She'd get the answers herself when she sees Jorge again.

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