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VENUS COULDN'T BELIEVE IT, IT SEEMED TOO GOOD to be true. The facility in the mountains was real. It was nothing like the WICKED compound, but it was still a thriving orginization.

People were scattered around the facility, lights placed on the wooden poles every few metres, fires were made where people stood around , wearing ragged clothes, much like Venus and her group themselves.

"C'mon, keep up." The voice of the girl, who had lead them out of the warehouse filled with Cranks, rang through the building as she walked, quite fast, Venus, Thomas and the rest of the group trailing behind.

"Jorge wants to meet you." She informed. It was obvious that Venus, nor Thomas, completely trusted this stranger. Trust was foreign, something not many people had, with good reason.

Venus walked besides Thomas, the two of them at the very front of the group as they followed behind the rather short Mexican girl, her leading them up a flight of stairs, the footsteps of their group members could be heard behind them.

"Who's Jorge?" Thomas inquired, the girl giving him a quick glance, followed by a ' you'll see '.

"No one has come out of the Scorch in a long time, you've just got him curious." She spoke again, she then proceeded to do a once over at Venus, "and me too."

Venus, upon hearing more footsteps scattered behind them, bit her lip anxiously upon seeing unknown individuals, presumably members of the facility, following close behind them, giving them nasty snarls and mocking glares.

"I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this place." Newt spoke up, and Venus agreed quickly, "I thought this was some kind of resistance, a safe place, and I'm definitely not getting that vibe." Venus pondered, nods of agreement coming from both Minho and Newt,
"let's just hear him out." Was Thomas' words, and without real hesitance, the group followed Thomas' lead, as they were lead up another flight of stares.

"Jorge, they're here." The girl informed, Venus' eyes landing upon a man sitting at a desk, a lamp illuminating the space as he fiddled with what seemed to be some kind of radio communicator, before switching it off forcefully.

He stood from his seated position, turning to face the group, his hands on his hips, "you ever get the feeling the whole world is against you ?"

Thomas shared a look with Minho, as Venus' eyes never left Jorge, the man approaching them now, "three questions, where did you come from, where are you going, how can I profit ?"

Silence. No one made a move to answer his questions. "Don't all answer at once."

Venus crossed her arms over her chest, a frown upon her features,
"We don't know who you are, how do you expect us to give you valuable answers ?" Venus spoke, eyes trained on Jorge as he now clutched a glass of water in his hand, a dry laugh coming from him at Venus' words.

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