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     THE ROOM WAS SO COLD, THE DARKNESS OVERTOOK THE ENTIRE SPACE, not a single source of light. The small space made it hard to breath for Venus, she tried to calm herself, to think of anything else, and not about the small space she's been stuck in for what felt like months.

     Maybe it was months, she didn't know. Time was not a priority anymore. Venus didn't know when it was day or when night had fallen, she wished she knew, maybe it would give her some ease.

She sat on the small bed, which was situated in the corner of the room. She was only given one blanket, and an oddly shaped pillow. Her legs were clutched to her chest, her hands wrapping around them as she layed her head onto her knees.

       The only time she was ever let out of this godforsaken room was when Janson wanted to interview her. It wasn't really an interview. He tried to drag any information out of her regarding her friends, especially Thomas, but she never budged.

   Of course, she was punished for this, not receiving any food for a day or two.

   Venus didn't know why they haven't harvested her yet, she'd think they would've done it the same day they'd arrive here, splitting everyone that had been been taken that awful, awful, night.

         For the time she'd been locked up here, she's never once encountered Minho. Was he still here ? Still alive ? She wondered. She wish she knew the answers to that.

  And then, her mind dazed back to the person she thought about almost every second of every day.

   Thomas. She remembered how he looked like, how could she forget, but it's been months since she's last seen him.

  She wondered if he made it out alive that night, and if he did, where was he ? She hoped he'd coming looking for her and Minho, she'd give everything to see him again.

      Jumping from her position on the bed, Venus stood upright as the door to her room flew open, a WICKED guard stood on the other end, gun in hand, as always.

   "Janson wants to see you. Let's go." He timidly spoke, Venus biting her lip in anxiousness as she nodded, "let's go!"

  She did as told, the guard getting a tight grip on her arm as he lead her toward where Janson was.

     "Here she is." Janson was sat behind a desk, papers in hand as he gazed up at Venus, nodding toward the guard to let her go.

   "Take a seat." He told her. Venus did as told, taking a seat opposite Janson. She couldn't stand for too long, she became extremely dizzy, she thought it might be from the lack of food she was receiving, or maybe from her nerves that were always frantic.

    "I've decided to — make a deal with you." Janson's elbows were placed on the glass desk, he looked old, and ill, with dark-ish circles beneath his eyes, the world hasn't been kind to him clearly, and he fully deserved if for what he has done.

Venus only stared blankly at him, Janson sighing as he now leaned back in his chair. "I think it'd be in your best interest to tell me about what kind of operation Mary was running. I want to know any and all medical details, and if you do tell me, then I'll make sure that you're kept safe."

     "Kept safe from what?" Janson heavily sighed, "immunes are being loaded out and taken to our other facility, now, if you can prove you're valuable, well — let's just say, you won't die so soon."

Venus crossed her arms over her chest, her piercing blue eyes narrowed at Janson.

      She, herself, din't know much about Mary's doings back at the Right Arm. Venus only knew that she needed blood samples from her and Thomas, further than that, she didn't know much. It was a small piece of information, but still, there was no chance in hell that she'd give it over to Janson.

     "I don't know anything, and even if I did, why the hell would I tell you." Janson smirked lightly, "Venus, I'd like you to be very careful on what you're doing here."

     Venus now leaned forward, hands pressed against the glass desk flatly,

   "I'm. Not. Telling. You. Shit."

Janson was seeping through with anger,  Venus knew this was the last straw.
      For months, this was how the questioning between her and Janson went. And she intended to keep it that way.

   She'd rather die than help them.

   "You made your choice Venus," Janson's attention snapped over to something behind her, a WICKED guard stood there, waiting on Janson's words.

   "Take her to section A, I want her memories wiped and then I want her on the first train to Denver with the other immunes."

    Venus was confused, eyes wide as she immediately rose to her feet, "you can't do this to me."

   Her memories were the only thing that kept her sane these past few months, she clung to them, they were her life support, and she couldn't imagine all of that being wiped away.

   "C'mon, let's go." The guard neared her, already grabbing hold of her arm tightly as she struggled against his grip, "let go !" She yelled, pleadingly, trying to peer his grip from her arm, pushing against his chest as she tried to make her escape.

   "Let go of me !"

"For god sakes, hurry up and get her out of here." Janson spoke with distain, and the guard did as told, harshly dragging Venus out of Janson's office, the girl doing everything in her power to lose the guard's grip, but it was useless.

             She lost her friends months back, she lost the only person that made life worth living, she lost her freedom, her mind, and now, she'd lose herself, and there was nothing she was able to do about it.

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