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"THANK YOU." VENUS WAS HANDED A CUP OF WARM LIQUID by a short brunette haired girl.

  She was seated in a dusty old warehouse, on some sort of drum that replaced a regular chair.

    She was now left alone, the girl exiting. And then Thomas entered, not even seconds after.

He gave her a small smile, one which Venus knew was fake. "I was thinking we could talk, if that's okay?" He was gentle when speaking, taking a seat opposite Venus on another drum as she quickly nodded.

      "Can I speak first ?" She was eager to get everything off her chest. Minho had told her that Thomas was the only one she could trust, and she trusted Minho's words.

"Minho — he came to warn me, he told me that WICKED could not be trusted and than I could only trust you." Thomas' eyes were filled with curiosity once Venus mentioned Minho.

   He sat with his elbows resting on his knees and hands interwined with each other as he anxiously listened to Venus.

    "Do you know where he is ?" Thomas inquired.

"The last time I saw him was when a guard dragged him away from me, but I'm certain he was on the train." Thomas now sat up straight, Venus sipping the liquid as it warmed her, eyes scanning Thomas intently now.

     He looked tired, and Venus assumed that he was. Hijacking a train wasn't light work.

   "Can I ask you something ?" Venus nodded, Thomas gulping lightly, "you don't remember me ? At all?"

  Venus shifted in her seat slightly, tightly clutching the mug in her hand.

   Her memory was useless. She wished that she could remember him, or even recall anything of Thomas, no matter how small, but there was nothing. Her mind was an empty void, and she hated it.

"I only know my name—" her eyes dropped downward, her heart sinking as she spoke, "—who are you to me ?"

Thomas quietly sighed, hand running down his face as his eyes now drifted around the room. Venus could tell that this wasn't easy for him.

      "We're friends. Best friends."

Venus could tell that there was an underlying meaning in his words, but she didn't push it, she nodded lightly at him.

   "I'm sorry, Thomas." She didn't know why she was apologizing. She didn't do anything wrong, or at least, she didn't think she did. It was the look on Thomas' face, however, that made her feel like apologizing would somehow help. Thomas had a look of utter sadness displayed on his face, and for some reason, Venus hated seeing him this way.

   She didn't know why, she didn't know him anymore. She wish she did though. She wish she could recall all of her memories, she needed too.

"Do you trust me?" His next question made Venus gulp lightly. She took several seconds to think it over.

   Her ocean blue eyes met his, "I do." She nodded, now placing the mug on the ground next to her.

  "I'm going to tell you about what had happened, it's going to be a lot, so if you're feeling overwelmed you can just stop me, okay?" Thomas' voice was so sincere when he spoke, and god, how Venus resented whoever took her memories.

   Venus listened intently as Thomas told her about how she had worked for WICKED, something she couldn't believe. He informed her on how she had helped him and their other friends to escape WICKED, who was going to kill them.

   He told her everything, up and til she and the others were rescued a few hours prior.

     Cranks ? Deadly elements ? Harvesting immunes to cure a deadly virus?

   Was this really their reality? To run from the dangers of the outside world, to try and survive, and to try to defeat WICKED as well ?

   The informatiom had hit Venus like a truck. "Are you okay?" Thomas placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, her eyes snapping to his own as she slowly nodded.

  "I just — didn't expect any of it, I guess."

"It's gonna' be okay." Thomas retracted his hand from Venus' shoulder, his soft gaze still lingering on her.

  "Uhm —" Venus pondered slightly, leg now bouncing up and down as she bit her lip, "we need to save Minho. You know ... get him the hell away from WICKED." Thomas, for the first time, had a genuine smile on his features.

    Yes, Venus' memories were completely wiped away, but she was still the determined girl he had came to know, she still had that fire in her eyes that showed she'd accomplish everything she put her mind to.

    And Thomas really admired that about her.

"We will." He assured, "but for now, I think you should get some rest."

    Venus nodded slowly, Thomas now standing up from his position as Venus did the same.

    "Thomas — " she stopped him in his tracks as he was headed toward the door, his head turning toward her as she fiddled with her hands in nevousness.

    "I know my memories will resurface, and I'll remember you, I just need time." His body now turned towards Venus as he neared her, standing in front of the petite girl.

  Venus cocked her head upward as she stared into his eyes, "I promise." She whispered softly, and Thomas nodded, before pulling her towards him, her head pressing against his chest.

    She slowly wrapped her arms around him, this was nice. She felt so comfortable being this close to him, it was familiar, so familiar.

"I know you'll get them back." He told her, resting his chin on the top of her head. Venus could hear his heartbeat, and it put her to ease.

   She knew then and there that she had to keep her promise. She had to get her memories back, and she had to do it on her own.

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