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VENUS SAT ON THE BEACH, HER BLUE EYES WANDERING over the waves that crashed on the shore. Her feet was buried beneath the sand, and the wind blew lightly past her.

It had been a beautiful day - snd Venus adored the way the sun now disappeared slowly, illuminating the ocean water, and she also loved the smell of the sea that enveloped her senses, making her feel at ease.

Venus watched as Thomas was in the water, holding the hand of their son, Stephen. Venus laughed lightly as she watched Stephen trying to run away from the rather big waves, trying to drag Thomas with him.

Stephen looked so happy, he didn't have any worries in the world, he could enjoy each minute of every day, and Venus was glad that she could give Stephen the life that her and Thomas never had.

"C'mon buddy, let's go to mommy." Venus could hear Thomas tell Stephen, the little boy now running as fast as he could toward Venus as he tackled her in a hug, with Venus laughing loudly at his antics.

"Mommy, build a sand castle with me!" Stephen begged, and Venus smiled at him lightly, "I have a better idea -" Stephen's eyes grew wide with anticipation as he stared at Venus, "why don't you go get your uncle Minho, then we'll hold a sand castle competition. You and me, against daddy and uncle Minho." Stephen brightly smiled at the proposal, and before Venus could even blink, Stephen was out of sight as he rushed to go and find Minho.

"I hope you know what you're in for - you know how competitive Minho gets." Thomas told Venus, chuckling, as he now placed himself next to her.

"I know - but Stephen's on my side, and Minho will never let him lose." Thomas laughed lightly at Venus, "smart move."

Venus now placed her head on his shoulder, and Thomas wrapped his arm tightly around her frame.

"You had a nightmare again last night." Thomas softly spoke, "do you wanna' talk about it ?"

Venus lightly gulped, her eyes still staring at the ocean in front of her as she took a moment before answering Thomas.

"It wasn't really a nightmare - it was just about that night - about Newt." She gulped lightly, before moving her head from his shoulder as her eyes met his.

"They'll never go away Thomas - and I'm used to them. They are a part of me, a part of what we've been through. It is hard sometimes, but it also reminds me of how I survived - how we survived." Venus' voice was soft as she spoke, and Thomas held absolute adoration in his eyes for the woman in front of him.

He loved her - every part of her. He loved how good she was with Stephen, he loved how kind she was, he loved the way her eyes shone when she spoke about the things she loved, he loved her determination, he loved how beautiful she was, but most of all, he loved how strong she was.

Thomas now leaned in, placing his lips on hers as he placed his hand on her neck, pulling her slightly closer.

"I love you Vee, so much."

"And I love you, Thomas."

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