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"VENUS." THE GIRL'S EYES OPENED SLOWLY, BEFORE SHOOTING shut again, "venus — stay with me." The voice was familiar, yet it seemed so far away. Venus had now strength in her left, and she honestly didn't know how she was able to open her eyes again.

     "Pick her up, Thomas, we have to go." It was a woman's voice. Venus' vision was blurry, but she could make out the silhouette of Teresa standing beside her.

    And then, her gaze slowly drifted to Thomas who now lifted her cautiously from the ground — and then, her eyes fell shut again.

"Venus, c'mon, stay with me." It was Thomas who spoke to her, Venus could feel the wind rushing past her as Thomas carried her in his arms.

    "I — I'm so tired, Thomas." Venus managed to mumble out, her heavy eyelids fluttering open slowly as she could now taste the blood that roamed in her mouth.

   "You stay with me, I'm not going to lose you." Thomas begged her, the desperateness in his voice was evident, and oh, how Venus fought to keep her eyes open.

     "Janson — where's— where's Janson." She croaked out, "we took care of him — for now." Teresa told her, and Venus could feel them ascending upward in the elevator.

       Venus opened her eyes slowly, as the pain in her abdomen was almost unbearable. The wound she had on her shoulder was long forgotten, as the gun shot wound she had outweighed the pain she experienced in her abdomen.

    "Through here." Venus could hear Teresa's voice, but she was unable to lift her neck in order to see the girl — she was too weak.

      "Thomas, wait —" Teresa now spoke again, "Janson, he's — he's not here." The sudden loud sound of a body falling to the ground echoed throughout the room they were in, and Venus' eyes was wide at the sound.

     "Thomas — why don't you learn ?" It was Janson's voice. Venus' blood ran cold at this.

   "Vee — I'm gonna' put you down, okay ?" Thomas gently spoke to the girl, and her eyes were now opened wide as she nodded, Thomas gently placing her on the ground as she tried to sit up straighter. Venus focused her vision on Janson, who had his gun raised on Thomas, and then her gaze fell to Teresa who layed unconscious on the ground.

    "Venus is long gone, Thomas. She has lost a lot of blood and I —" Janson had started to say, but Thomas was quick to cut him off. "You're the one who's long gone, Janson." Thomas harshly spoke to him, and then, in a split second, before Venus ever realised what happened, Thomas charged toward Janson as he tackled him to the ground.

Venus watched in horror as they fought, Thomas giving several punches toward Janson, but soon, Janson had the upper hand, as he kicked Thomas in the stomach, sending him to the ground, and then, Janson once again raised his gun toward Thomas.

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