Chapter Nine: Dealing With the Memories

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Chapter Nine: Dealing With the Memories

                Saturday Night Lights was jammed packed, we’d been here for at least an hour and it seemed as bodies were pressed up against each other, the crowds were unbelievable in size and with the strobe lights flashing everything seemed exotic and mesmerizing, the dub-step music blasting, vibrations running through my body. And with the three shots of tequila that I had already downed I felt amazingly good. I had joked with my friends, danced and teased Adam about how the girl he was trying to get to dance with him was blowing him off. So far the night had started off good and I felt as if the night would be an unforgettable one.

                Hayley and Josh disappeared, saying something about getting us a round of drinks. Paisley had dragged Adam out onto the dance floor on the first floor and I sat with Gracie, our eyes scanning the crowd from the second floor of the club. For what? I myself didn’t know but I knew Grace was on the prowl, looking to see if there were any hot guys. In the last week I myself had come to a conclusion that all men in Lubbock were attractive-even the guys who had that whole nerdy look.

                As my eyes scanning over what seemed to be a billion bodies my gaze fell on one person. His dark hair was styled up in a messy, yet sexy way that yelled ‘just rolled out of bed!’ a simple white  shirt hugged his upper body, not too tight yet not baggy either; a black leather jacket was causally thrown over his shoulder. He glided through the crowd, a serious look on his face. Three other guys followed close behind- two blondes and another dark haired guy.

                As if feeling my stare on him, he looked up. His dark eyes scanned the upper floor side railings and then landed on me. His dark eyes caught my stare and I stayed glued to my spot. I wasn’t embarrassed that he had caught me staring and I wasn’t afraid that we’d run into each other. He was on the first floor and I was on the second, he’d have to either come up here to take to me or I’d have to go down there, and I wasn’t planning on going to him. The strobe lights flashed, making his every movement seemed choppy, his gaze never leaving mine.

                “Beers for everybody!” Hayley’s overly excited voice sang over the loud music. “And shots!” she added setting the tray down.

                As I sat in my seat in the booth I continued the mini stare down that I was having with the one and only Ethan Gage before I finally looked away and turned my attention back to my friends. Paisley and Adam had come back and were now sitting down, Pais was talking to Grace and Adam was talking to Josh about heaven knows what. Hayley on the other hand was staring at me, a small smile on her lips as she scooted closer to my side of the booth.

                “Bathroom?” she mouthed and I nodded.

                Standing up I fixed my dress and ran a hand through my long wavy hair before turned around looked back over the rail. Ethan now lost in the crowd and hopefully for the rest of the night.


                Walking out of Saturday Night Lights I was tripping over my own two feet and holding onto Adam for dear life. I knew that I shouldn’t have drank that much but at the time I didn’t care because all I wanted to do was forget that the man that I had loved back in high school two years ago was in the same club as I was and it worked but I was going to regret it come tomorrow morning.

                I looked up at Adam and giggled. Even though he was a complete man-whore and asshole most of the time he could be the sweetest person ever and that was the only reason I put up with his stupidity for as long as I had. “Adam,” I said his name slightly slurred.

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