Chapter Eleven: Late Nights and Unexpected News

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Chapter Eleven: Late Nights and Unexpected News

                It had been a month since we moved into Lubbock and two weeks since I last spoke and saw Ethan. The night in the book store when I snapped was the last I saw of him and surprisingly no one ever mentioned him again. I was glad but a part of me wondered why God would be so cruel as to put him into my life again after all the hurt he had already done.

                The two weeks that had passed since that night went by faster than I originally had thought that they would. The girls worked longer hours at the Café and Adam got home at his regular hour then locked himself into his room. To say that I didn’t see the others often was an understatement. The only time I got to see them all together was on Sundays and that was if they woke up early enough.

                Nick and I had hung out a few times after I got out of work and Hayley had come over a few nights to study for tests that were coming up. My school schedule was hectic but I somehow still had time to sleep for a few hours.

                I currently sat in one of the booths at the Café that the girls worked at and had my nursing books spread out before me along with my packet of homework for the week. The class had gotten a little more hectic, a lot more things to remember and a lot more homework to do but I wouldn’t give up. I wanted to become a nurse and being a CNA was the first stage to getting higher up on the scale.

                “More coffee?” Gracie’s voice asked as she stood across from me, her dark green polo Café shirt tucked into a pair of black jeans, an apron tied behind her waist and a coffee pot in her hand.

                I nodded, “Yes please.”

                As Gracie poured my coffee she sighed, “Still a lot more to go?”

                I shrugged as I circled another answer, it might be a lot to do but the questions were easy. “I just need the last five questions of chapter ten and I’m done for the night.”

                “Becoming a pharmacist isn’t any easier.” She huffed as she set the pot down and slid into the booth across from me. I looked around the Café shop and saw that hardly anyone was in here, outside it had gotten dark and there were hardly any people walking. “Seriously, I disliked math and science in high school, I fucking hate it now.”

                I breathed out a chuckle and answered the last question to the packet before setting my pencil down. “Yeah well nursing isn’t any easier. How’s Paisley doing on her Occupational Therapy stuff? I haven’t gotten a chance to talk to anyone lately. We’re all so busy.” I sighed.

                Grace shrugged, “She passed her first exam with a high B so that’s good but she’s stressing.”

                I sighed and ran a hand through my loose hair, “I think we all are. Adam is like a walking zombie now-a-days. When I get up late at night to get something to drink his bedroom light is on.”

                She nodded, “Yeah I know I’ve noticed. I think we all just need a weekend to ourselves you know? No worrying about school…” she sighed and stood up before fixing her shirt. “Well I’ll talk to you tonight when I get home if you’re still up. I’ve to go close up here tonight.”

                I nodded and closed my books, “And Paisley?”

                “Her shift ends in like twenty minutes.”

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