Chapter Twenty One: Forgiveness

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Chapter Twenty One: Forgiveness

Carmen’s POV

                My door was flung open causing me to jump and look up from my textbook. Adam strolled into my bedroom as if he owned the place and smiled wickedly down at me before jumping onto my bed. It had been two weeks since Ethan’s confession that he still loved me and many months since Adam and I had properly talked.

                It seemed that whenever I was free to do something he was busy and vice versa. School, work and Ethan had taken up most of my time lately and it suddenly felt as if I was juggling school, work and a boyfriend.

                In the time that I had let my guard down and let Ethan in, my feelings towards the idiot had grown and I was finding it hard to fall for the moron. He was still the dorky guy that I had fallen in love with back in high school but this time he was older and there was times when I find out new things about him.

                His friends Tyler, Luke and Jason were the most know guys in their high school as he had put it but I knew that he really meant the three most guys  that got around, if you know what I meant but when I had hung out with them they were nothing but nice to me. Sure they were massive flirts and perverts but in the days that I had spent time with them I knew that they good guys.

                “Whatcha’ doing?” Adam asked grabbing a pillow and placing it under his head.

                I arched a brow at shook my head before looking back down at my nursing book. “Studying,” I replied.

                “Boring!” he sang at the top of his lungs.

                I rolled my eyes and turned the page, “What do you want?” I asked him.

                “I miss you,” he whined rolling over, wrapping an arm around my waist and pushing me down so I was lying right next to him.

                I rolled my eyes once again, “No seriously what do you want?” I asked him.

                Adam lifted his head up and playfully glared at me, “Say it back.” He demanded.

                “Say what?” I asked innocently.

                “Say you miss me!”

                I snorted out a laugh, “Why? I would be lying if I said that.”

                Narrowing his eyes Adam pinched my side and I jumped in a squealing manner. “What the heck Adam?” I asked.

                “Say it!”

                “Never!” I yelled laughing.

                Adam swiftly jumped on top of me, straddling my hips and started to tickle me, his fingers gracefully running up my sides over my sweater. I thrashed under him, laughing so hard I felt a six pack coming in and tears ran down my cheeks.

                “Uhhh,” someone cleared their throat and Adam instantly stopped, my laughter slowly stopped a few seconds later. “Am I interrupting?” Gracie asked.

                I shoved Adam off and sat up in bed, running a hand over my hair that probably looked like a birds nest. Gracie stood in my doorframe, her arms crossed over her chest, her brown hair up in a messy pony tail. Her eyes looked swollen and red.

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