Chapter Seven: Mother Was Right

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Chapter Seven: Mother Was Right

                I inhaled quickly, stunned to hear his voice. All day I had gone without seeing him and just as I was about to leave I see him? What the heck was that all about?! I turned, half of my body already inside of my truck. My neck complained that it wasn’t such a good idea to turn it in that direction but I didn’t care. I needed to see if my ears heard right. I needed to see if it really was him.

                Sure enough, Ethan Gage was really standing there, on the other side of the white Mustang. His dark eyes were covered by a pair of sunglasses; a black V-Neck shirt hugged his body. One thing was for sure that if I thought Ethan was good looking back in the early years of high school it was nothing compared to now. He stood there, a smile plastered on his face. His skin glowed under the sunlight; his dark hair was styled up, the black shirt clinging to his arms and chest. A six pack faintly visible as the wind pressed the fabric to his torso.

                “Must have read me wrong then,” I replied. “I always had a thing for trucks.”

                Ethan chuckled, “No, if I recall correctly you loved the cars that had speed.”

                I shrugged, “Still do, I just rather have a truck.”

                He smiled and slid his sunglasses back, resting on top of his head. His eyes glistened as he looked me over. The wind began to blow and my pony tail blew in the wind, a few loose strands of hair flying all over the place in the process. “You look good,” he said. “Older.”

                No shit Sherlock, it’s been two years.

                “Different,” he added scratching the back of his head as he gave me a sheepish smile.

                I nodded and slid into my truck, turning the key in the ignition and rolled down my window as I closed my door. I knew I looked different, I was different. Two years ago I was the country girl that wore bright colors and was always happy, cheery, and hyped about everything in life. After everything that had happened to me back in high school and between him and me I changed. I dressed with more dark colors, I kept my emotions in check and it was hard to get a read on what I was feeling most of the time. What I wanted to be seen was shown and what I wanted to be kept in the dark never saw the light.

                I had changed and I was different. I had sort of become a cold hearted bitch but with minimal bitch attitude. I was just a lot more careful about whom I trusted and spent my time with.

                 Putting on my seat belt and sliding my sunglasses into place I turned to look at him, he was staring at me, as if trying to figure out what I felt at the moment but I knew that he saw nothing there, there was nothing written on my face. “Yeah,” I replied as I slid the gear into reverse. “Life does that to you, you grow up and certain events change you.”


                When I got home no one was around, no cars were in the driveway and the house was dark and eerie silent. I was sort of glad that no one was home. I really didn’t want anyone to ask me any questions about my day. The entire drive home the small moment between Ethan and me replayed in my head.

                He sounded different. He acted different. He looked different. He was different.

                I hadn’t been the only one that changed in the last two years. He had also. The way he spoke- it sounded as if he had thought long and hard about what to say. The way he acted- it was similar to the way I acted. He was reserved; the once open book Ethan that I had loved two years ago was no more. It was now replaced with an Ethan that I knew nothing about.

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