Chapter Twenty-Five: Birthday Bashes and Nights With Him

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Chapter Twenty-Five: Birthday Bashes and Nights With Him

-1 Month later-

                It was March. A month had passed since Ethan’s revelation about him leaving to the army in April and nothing had been the same since. Things between Ethan and I got better; the guys and the girls all looked passed the past and everybody was now getting along.

                Paisley had announced her pregnancy and everybody had been excited, everyone but Adam but after a few days he soon got over it and he had even bought the baby a teddy bear. Nick was going full out crazy and to make sure that Paisley didn’t do too much to affect the baby. She was getting pretty annoyed with him but I knew that she secretly liked the attention and care she was getting. I only hoped that she left like that until the end of her pregnancy.

                “Carmen!” Gracie yelled from downstairs.

                It was around midday, we were having a cook out on the back deck to celebrate Hayley’s twentieth birthday. She had been excited and cheerful all week, talking non-stop about the cook out and party later that night at Josh’s house. She was finally out of her teens and in her twenties and she said she wanted to make it a night that she wouldn’t remember. I swore I had the craziest friends.

                “What?” I called back. I stood in front of the mirror in my bathroom, running the flat iron over my brown hair. I had already done my make-up the only things I needed left were to finish my hair and get dressed. Ethan would be arriving soon- his shift at Wal-Mart ending in about half an hour.

                “Text Adam asking where he’s at?!” she asked.

                I put down the flat iron and gave my reflection in the mirror the ‘are you freaking serious?’ look. “Why can’t you do it?” I asked.

                Gracie had sent Adam out early this morning to the store to buy a few things that she needed for the food that she would be making inside the house. Five hours later and Adam still hadn’t returned with the items she needed and I knew by the tone in her voice that she was getting impatient.

                “I have my hands a little occupied!” she snapped.

                I sighed and rolled my eyes, walking into my bedroom and unplugging my phone from its charger. I didn’t bother replying to Gracie and went straight to looking for Adam’s number. After the fifth ring he answered his voice annoyed.

                “What?” he snapped.

                I arched a brow and rested my hand on my hip looking out my balcony doors. “What do you mean ‘what?’ answer the phone right boy. Where the hell are you?” I asked.

                “At the damn store!” he yelled.

                “Still?” I asked.

                “Yes ‘still’! Did you see the list Gracie fucking gave me? I’m a guy! I don’t know the fucking difference between ripe tomatoes and fresh lettuce.”

                I rolled my eyes once again and sighed. “Just hurry the hell up Adam, Gracie is about to chew your ass out when you get home so I advice you get here quick so your death won’t be long and gruesome. I can tell by the way she’s chopping the carrots that she’s practicing how to chop and dice your testicles.”

                I heard a faint ‘fuck’ before the line went dead. The jerk didn’t even say bye!

                I tossed my phone onto the bed and headed back to the restroom. Picking up my flat iron and running it through the last couple of strands, I hadn’t noticed when Gracie had entered my bedroom. Her brown hair was piled onto the top of her head while she wore an apron that had the body of a very defined and muscular dude who was only in tight briefs.

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