Chapter Eighteen: It Seems We All Know Each Other...

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Chapter Eighteen: It Seems We All Know Each Other…

                Staring at Hayley and Josh’s confused expressions I knew that I had to explain. In the six months since I had known them, they had become a big part of my life and I knew that they were the type of friends that were forever.

                Hayley looked utterly dumbfounded while Josh looked as if someone told him Chubaca was real. Running a hand through her vibrant red hair you could see the little parts she did know about my past start to come together while Josh’s questions kept ringing throughout the room.

                “You have a son?”

                Ethan shifted in his seat while the Paisley and Gracie flinched. They did whenever baby Ezra was mentioned, they took the lost as hard as I did, but at the end of the day I had been the one to lose something that was a part of me, someone who had my heart even before I ever saw him.

                I cleared my throat and nodded, “I had a son,” I corrected.

                “Had?” Hayley asked finally coming back to reality.

                I nodded once again but didn’t reply.

                “What happen?” Josh asked the ultimate question.

                “The umbilical cord got wrapped around his neck and they couldn’t take him out in time to unwrap it.” Ethan replied.

                I didn’t know who I expected to snap first- Paisley or Gracie but I wasn’t surprised when Grace was the one to jump because deep down I knew that Ethan leaving hurt her almost as much as it hurt me. Before everything Gracie and Ethan use to be best friends, they had gotten along really good and they were as close as brother and sister.

                “And how would you know?!” she screamed just as Adam walked into the living room looking utterly confused when his gaze fell onto Ethan. “Tell me Ethan! How would you know that when you weren’t even there!

                Hayley and Josh looked confused while Nick kept a nonchalant expression on her face.

                I looked between Gracie and Ethan and immediately saw the anger she had towards him, Ethan looked up at Gracie and I saw the hurt expression on his face. He had already said that he felt bad about not being there but I had always said ‘actions speak louder than words’.

                “I wanted to be.” Ethan said.

                “But you weren’t.” Gracie hissed standing up and leaving the room, leaving an awkward silence behind. We all sat there, completely quiet. Hayley and Josh still had the confused looks on their faces as they tried to process everything that they had just learned while Nick looked at Ethan angry for what he just learned. Paisley and Adam were the only ones who were silent because they already knew everything. Adam cleared his throat and silently left the room while Paisley rose from her seat and coughed.

                “Well it’s getting late.” She said, “You coming?” she asked Nick with a hopeful look on her face.

                Nick silently nodded and rose from his seat before turning back to me and giving me a small sad smile. “We’ll talk later?”

                I nodded. “Later.”

                Eight people were in the room at least ten minutes ago and now we were left with four. Hayley was glaring at Ethan while Josh looked at me with pity. His green eyes held sorrow for me.

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