Chapter Eight: Saturday Night Lights

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Chapter Eight: Saturday Night Lights

                His hands circled around my waist from behind, his chin resting on my shoulder as his thumb made circles on my abdomen. We were standing in the middle of the hall, on the right side towards the lockers, we had ten minutes before first period started so we stood there talking to our friends. Adam leaned against the locker talking to some blonde while Asher, Ethan’s best friend, talked about some party going on tomorrow night.

                “You wanna go?” Ethan whispered into my ear as Asher continued giving the details to Gracie and Paisley.

                I bit my lip and placed my hands on top of his, warmth spreading throughout my body as I made contact with him. “I don’t know…”

                “We don’t have to,” he replied kissing my collarbone.

                “Do you want to go?” I asked.

                “I don’t care, I just want to spend time with you.” He said.

                I closed my eyes and smiled leaning back onto him, it had been a seven months since we’ve started dating and every day that I spent with him I fell more and more in love. He was different. Ethan never acted like the other guys. He was sweet, nice to everybody and loyal.

                “Oh for crying out loud get a room!” Paisley said causing me to open my eyes and glare at her. She smiled and stuck her tongue out at me. “Love you.”

                I rolled my eyes and pulled away from Ethan, holding onto his hand as the bell rang signaling that first period would begin in five minutes. “C’mon,” I said pulling on Ethan’s hand. “Let’s go to class.”


                I gathered my belongings and headed for the classroom door, my head swirling with memories of Ethan and me. It had been a week since I last saw him but knowing that he was around and could pop out any minute sent my thoughts into a whirlpool.

                “Carmen!” Hayley called after me as I walked down the hallway, heading towards the exit. Our Creative Writing class had ended half an hour early and I was more than happy to go home.

                Last week when I had first come to class I had seen the familiar red head sitting in the front row of the class doodling away in her spiral waiting for Mrs. Enderson to arrive when she had looked up a smile crossed her face and she waved frantically at me. After asking me if I remembered her from the party she practically sat me herself in the seat next to hers.

                As she caught up to me she huffed and ran a hand though her hair, “What are you doing tonight?” she asked.

                “I was planning on going home and doing the assignment we were assigned then catching up on some sleep.” I told her, “Why?”

                “Let’s go get some food, I’m starving!” she exclaimed smiling.


                “So I saw you talking to Nick the other day.” Hayley said between chews.

                I looked up from my salad and gave her a questioning look. She knew Nick? “Uh, yeah he’s in my nursing class.” I told her.

                She bobbed her head up and down. “He’s nice.”

                I shrugged, “Yeah I guess, you know him?”

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