Chapter Five: Never Ending Memories

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Chapter Five: Never Ending Memories

                I ran away from him, the cold wind biting away at my cheeks as I ran through the empty fields behind the park. Our laughter filled the air. My hair flew behind me as I ran against the wind, my breath clearly visible before me.

                He called out for me, his voice getting closer and closer but I refused to stop. I ran faster but in the end my effort didn’t matter. I was scooped up and twirled around in the air. My laughter only getting louder as we twirled around in the grassy fields.


                “Where do I put the chips?” Adam asked.

                “In the cabinet above the stove,” I responded as I took out a few cans out of the grocery bags that were still left. We’d gone food shopping a few hours ago and now we were home putting the stuff away, Gracie and Paisley had gone to Wal-Mart to get the other things we’d need for around the house and left me to take Adam.

                “And the meat?” he asked after a few minutes of silence.

                I sighed, “In the freezer Adam.”

                After working like this for a few more minutes I finally had it up to here with Adam asking me where every little thing he took out of the bags went, at the store he had acted like a child and thrown everything into the cart that he saw and wanted while I took it out as we strolled down the aisles of food. The car ride back home consisted of him singing along to the radio and fist pumping every time a dub-step song came on and when we stopped at the lights he would whistle to every car that had a hot girl in it.

                “For Christ sake Adam!” I yelled. “Just go away! I can do this on my own!”

                Adam was silent for a few seconds, not moving an inch as he stared at me. His eyes locked with mine and I knew he could see the frustration in them but something told me he saw something more in them as well. “Are you okay CeeCee?” he asked, a nickname that he only used when he was worried about something.

                I sighed and set down the jug of orange juice that I had in my hand; not knowing how to respond to his question. Maybe I had over reacted, okay so maybe I had over reacted and lashed out at him but with him annoying the wits out of me and the constant reminder that He was around town also put me on edge.

                Since the party a few nights ago I hadn’t been able to sleep correctly. His face kept invading my dreams and flashbacks of the two of us kept me distracted during the most incontinent moments possible. Running a hand through my hair as turned around I bit my lip. “I don’t know,” I admitted.

                Adam didn’t respond he simply put down the package of ham and pulled me into a hug, my face pressed against his chest and I wrapped my arms around his torso as he ran a hand over my hair. He didn’t say anything else he simply held me as the tears that I hadn’t shed in years finally made their way out. I hadn’t cried when He had broken my heart, I hadn’t cried when he had ignored me for weeks, I hadn’t cried when he left and I hadn’t cried after his presence wasn’t there any longer. The tears that I hadn’t shed over him leaked out of my eyes and stained Adam’s grey shirt.


                We sat at the very top of the Ferris Wheel, the cool night air fanning us as the wind blew my hair everywhere. He held my hand as we sat in silence, enjoying each other’s company. The warmth that spread throughout my body was a comforting feeling, something that over the last three months I’d grown accustomed too.

                “Carmen,” The way he said my name sent shivers down my spine.

                I turned around, looking at him with a smile on my face. He was so handsome. I always read in books about how best friends always fell in love. I never thought I’d live through something like that- something that seemed so fairytale like.

                He smiled. Oh his smile- it brightened up my entire world. He twisted his body slightly, the cart shook a bit but I knew that if I held onto him, he’d never let me go. Something deep inside me knew that as long as I was with him I’d be safe.

                He leaned in, his mouth pressed close to my ear. I felt his hot breath on my skin and goose bumps arose. Little did I know that the next words he’d say to me would change my life. “I love you.”     


                I laid in my bed when Paisley knocked on my bedroom door. My eyes hurt from the amount of crying I had done and I knew that they were red and puffy. I sat up and pulled the sleeves to my hoodie over my hands. It had gotten cold in the house and something told me Adam had turned up the AC.

                “Come in,” I called out; my voice cracking.

                Paisley entered my bedroom and closed the door behind her, her blonde hair was up in a pony tail. She wore an old hoodie from our school, one that belonged to the soccer team we were on our junior year. “Hey,” she said, her voice a whisper.

                I ran a hand over my hair, “Hey.”

                “Are you feeling okay? Adam told me you threw up earlier.” She said.

                I nodded, going along with Adam’s lie. I hadn’t told him what was going on but he obviously knew that I didn’t want to talk about it at the moment and since the girls asked a million questions he decided lying was the best option in this situation. “Yeah, just a stomach ache.”

                Paisley crawled onto my bed and sat directly in front of me, her green eyes holding onto my brown ones. “Did you eat Adam’s toco’s last night?”

                I laughed and shook my head, “No,”

                “Hey, I wanted to talk to you.” She started. I didn’t respond just simply waited for her to continue. “Um, I don’t know how to say this…” she said scratching her head.

                “Just spit it out Pais,” I replied giving her a small smile.

                “I saw Ethan Gage at the party Friday night.”


                He was my first: my first crush, my first date, my first boyfriend, my first kiss and the one to take away my innocence. He had been the one to keep me standing when all I wanted to do was give up and fall. He had been there to wipe away my tears when my father left for the Army. He had been there holding my hand when the news came- that my father had died in the War. He had been there whispering into my ear that I’d make it big one day.

                He was my rock.

                And when times got rougher for the both of us, he had left and his promises of ‘always and forever’ broke into millions of pieces and the never ending memories stayed haunting me.

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