Chapter Thirty Two: Hell Is Rising

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Chapter Thirty Two: Hell Is Rising

                I didn’t tell him.

                Ethan, I mean. I didn’t tell him that I was pregnant.

                That wasn’t the way I wanted to tell him- over the phone. I wanted to tell him face to face but at the moment it wasn’t possible, so as close to that as we were going to get was Skype. We had made plans for a Skype session next Friday; that was when I planned on telling him.

                So I had a little over five days to tell the others that I was with child, five days to get over my fear and tell them. I slid my phone back into my back pocket and inhaled deeply, pushing myself off the ground and making my way back up to the house.

                All the lights were still on and I heard laughter once I stepped into the house, the laughing was coming from the game room on the other side of the house. I was glad that none of them were hanging out in the living room/kitchen because I didn’t think I would be able to handle facing them after how I just acted.

                I quietly made my way up the stairs and entered my room, gathering my night clothes and heading back out into the hallway. Downstairs I could still laughter which meant that they were all still having a good time. Twisting the knob to the restroom I pushed the door open and flicked on the lights, jumping back once my eyes adjusted to the new lightening and focused on a passed out Adam slumped against the tub next to the toilet.

                I sighed and ran a hand over my face. He was drunk, again. “Adam,” I said, kicking his leg slightly.

                He groaned out and moved his head, “Go away.”

                Placing my clothes onto the counter I kneeled down next to him, “Adam wake up.”

                It took him a few seconds for him to wake and when he did, he let out a loud groan, “Mother of God turn off the lights.”

                I rolled my eyes and sighed, “Get up.”

                Mumbling what I believed to be profanities under his breath, Adam stood up and stumbled as he took his first steps, reminding me of a child learning how to walk. Reaching out and grabbing his arm I helped him steady himself as he walked out of the bathroom. “Let me go,” he said pulling his arm out of my grip.

                “What’s your problem?” I asked him.

                “Nothin’,” he replied as he leaned up against the wall and walked towards his bedroom next to mine.

                I rolled my eyes, “Talk to me Adam.”

                He laughed and stopped, glancing over his shoulder at me. “When I want to talk, I’ll let you know.”

                Glaring daggers at his back, I let out a frustrated yell and went back to the restroom to take my shower so I could go to bed. I knew I got what I deserved, Adam’s response was nothing different from what I had given him and the others but still it frustrated me.


                The ride back home was tense. It was awkward and tense as hell but that was only because like before, Hayley and Josh were asleep in the back seat while I sat Indian style in the passenger seat, looking out the window while Adam drove us back home with the radio off.

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