Chapter Twenty: Finding A Way

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Chapter Twenty:  Finding A Way

                Neither Ethan nor I had spoken since getting into the car and setting onto our destination, but it wasn’t one of those awkward silences like most people had, no this was just like before, comfortable and peaceful.

                The soft hum of the radio played in the background as Ethan drove one handed, his other lightly resting on the gear shifter. Back at the house I hadn’t been able to take in his appearance even though I did have a chance to when he was too engrossed into the picture of me at Ezra’s grave.

                I took it to my liberty to take in his profile. A black long sleeve hugged his upper body, making me notice how much muscle he had gotten over the years. A pair of dark jeans and black Nike shoes topping off his outfit; he had taken off his leather jacket saying something about how it was going to be awhile until we got to where we were going.

                “You’re drooling,” Ethan teased as he caught me checking him out.

                I bit my lip and rolled my eyes, “You wish.”

                Chuckling, Ethan slowed the car down and took a smooth right turn before speeding up once again. I had asked where we were going but Ethan just smiled and shook his head, not wanting me to know.

                We fell into a comfortable silence once again before Ethan spoke, “We’re going to my parents’ house.”

                I chocked on my own saliva before turning to him and giving him my best ‘what the fuck’ look. I even had to tap myself on the chest a few times to clear up my lungs. “What?”

                Laughing Ethan shook his head, “I’m kidding.” He reassured me.

                I exhaled deeply, letting go a breath that I didn’t even know I was holding in. “You scared me you jackass!” I cried smacking his arm.

                Still laughing Ethan rolled his eyes, “Oh c’mon, what would be so bad about going to see my parents?” he asked.

                I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to looking out the window. “I haven’t seen them in years.” I admitted.

                “My mom still talks about you.” He admitted. “They both miss you.”

                I chewed on my bottom lip and didn’t dare looking away from the window. Mr. and Mrs. Gage were the sweetest people I had yet met. My mother and Mrs. Gage had somehow turned into good friends sometime after Ethan and I got together.

                Although after I had gotten pregnant my mother and Mrs. Gage’s friendship took a turn. They hardly talked, maybe once or twice a year but they never talked about what happened between Ethan and I. Mrs. Gage didn’t even know that I had given birth to her grandson.

                Suddenly I felt Ethan’s hand slid into mine and our finger intertwined, a blast of heat running through my fingers and up my arm. My head quickly snapped towards him and I saw that he was still looking at the road straight ahead, acting as if he didn’t know that he was holding my hand.

                “What are you doing?” I asked him looking between his face and our hands.

                Ethan stopped at a red light yet his attention never left the lights. Again I tried to pull away from his hold but his grip got tighter.

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