Chapter Thirteen: Confessions of the Past

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Chapter Thirteen: Confessions of the Past

                I don’t know why but at 7:56 I found myself standing in front of Izzy’s Café like Ethan had asked. My hand hovered over the door knob as I debated whether or not to turn around and bolt back to my truck and go home where I could go to sleep and pretend this day never happened tomorrow.

                But with my luck I found myself being shoved forward and I stumbled into the Café. Glaring back at the asshole who pushed me I bit my tongue holding back the few colorful words that I had in store for him. The blonde asshole smirked at me and headed in the opposite direction towards a table in the far back of the room.

                I huffed and fixed my shirt before turning back around and looking around the Café. It was sort of similar to the one that the girls worked in but this one had a different feel to it, it was lit up brightly and the walls were each a different color.

                I sighed and headed towards the counter. I had a feeling I was going to need something to drink and since they didn’t serve shots of tequila here I would have to do with a coffee. After ordering it I heard someone approach the counter and clear their throat. I turned and met Ethan’s gaze a small smile directed at me.

                His hair was spiked up like it usually was, he wore a plaid shirt and a dark washed jeans with a pair of Vans. “Hey,” he breathed out.

                “Hey,” I replied just as the guy who took my order brought out my small coffee and handed it to me.

                After Ethan led us back to a table in the back where the booths were and we sat down across from each other. The first few minutes were awkward as we just stared at each other. Ethan looked at me with questioning eyes, trying to figure me out but I knew he saw nothing. I wasn’t one to give away what I was feeling easily.

                “You look great.” He finally said. “Time has only done good things for you.”

                “Thanks,” I replied awkwardly.

                “How have you been?”

                I coughed clearing my throat, hadn’t he already asked this question? Oh yeah, he had but I had been an utter bitch to him… but he deserved that. “Good,” I told him with a smile.

                He looked at me, not convinced with my act. “How have you been?” he asked again. “Really?”

                I cracked a smile, “I’m fine.”

                Again he studied me as if looking for something, “You’ve changed.”

                I laughed bitterly, “You try sitting back and watching the guy you loved go around school acting like a total man slut then watch him as he leaves town without a look back or an explanation.” Taking a drink from my coffee I leaned forward in my seat and gave him a cheeky smile. “So you asked me here for a reason?”

                Ethan cleared his throat and sat back, “Yeah.”

                I nodded not replying, his note had said he wanted to clear things up and if he meant what he said I knew that this was going to get emotional, and quick.

                “I don’t know where to start.” He admitted looking down at the table.

                I laughed bitterly, “How about we start from the part when you left.”

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