Chapter Thirty One: Fear

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Chapter Thirty One: Fear

                I laughed. I straight up laughed in Dr. King’s face and it wasn’t just a ‘ha-ha’ kind of laugh. It was a full blown cracking up in your face kind of laughing. Dr. King’s smile faltered, confused as to why I was laughing after he just delivered what was supposed to be good news. Don’t get me wrong, it was good news; my mind just hadn’t processed it as that yet.

                “What?” I gasped out, still laughing.

                Dr. King nodded, “You’re a little over two months pregnant.” he repeated. My laughing drifted off, hearing it a second time sobering me up a bit.

                “You’re kidding right?”

                He shook his head, “No. I’m not.”

                Placing a hand to my abdomen, my heart accelerated, pounding in my chest as if wanting to come out.  You’re a little over two months pregnant.

                You’re a little over two months pregnant.

                You’re a little over two months pregnant.

                Two months pregnant.

                “Holy shit,” I whispered. “I’m pregnant.”


                Adam changed the song once again as he drove. I sat in the passenger seat leg bobbing up and down as I stared out the window in a daze. Hayley and Josh sat in the back seat fast asleep, unaware to what was happening in the outside world since they were crashed out.

                We had been on the world for about three hours and I hadn’t spoken a word since getting up this morning. Once I had left the doctor’s office I had sat in my car staring at the building wall for about forty minutes going back in time trying to figure out when all of this happened.

                Two months.

                Two months ago…

                Hayley’s birthday bash.

                Mother of God.

                Adam pinched the skin of my thigh and I jumped up in my seat, “What the hell?” I glared, glancing over at Adam who was smirking as he drove one handed.

                “What?” he asked.

                I rolled my eyes, “Nothing.”

                Smacking his lips together Adam laughed and pinched my thigh again, “What’s up with you? You’ve been out of it since coming home last night.”

                I hadn’t told him. Anybody actually. After finally getting home I went upstairs to my bedroom packed, showered and fell asleep. This morning I had woken up, taken another shower, gotten dressed and went to class, thank goodness I only had one class because if it was more than one then I wouldn’t have of gone.

                “I’m tired,” I replied. It wasn’t a lie, it was just partly the reason why I was so out of it.

                Without even noticing it, I placed my palm to my abdomen and slightly stroked with my thumb. I was pregnant, with Ethan’s child, again. Could my life get any more hectic this year? In less than a year I had run into the guy who broke me apart two years ago, I had made new friendships and my relationship with my mother got worse. My best friend hooked up with one of my new close friends and got pregnant. Now, I was engaged, and with child.

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