Author's Note

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Hey!! :) It's offical! It's over!! :(

I just wanted to say thank you to each and every one of you who read this story, voted and commented. It really means a lot to me, you have NOOOOOOOO idea! I hope you all liked it, I sure did enjoy writing it, even though at times I grew frustrated because I couldn't get myself to write or get out what I wanted you all to read. But, I hope you all still liked it! Thank you again, soooooo much! The amount of reads and votes that this has gotten so far is mind blowing, MIND BLOWING I SAY! lol. :)

Now, as you all know, I said something about a new story (one that will be my main project) that will star the kids (Noah and Fae) that came out in here. Yes, some of the cast will come out in the next story (A Known Stranger) but of course, this one wouldn't revolve around them like this one did. The story is up and running on my profile so go read it? :)

A Known Stranger:

“You didn’t deserve that,” Noah said, his voice barely hearable over the loud music surrounding us. He looked down at me, his hazel eyes looking straight into my grey ones. Even though I had known the person standing in front of me since childhood, I couldn’t shake the feeling that the person standing in before me was a complete stranger after seeing what he had just done.

“Sometimes the things we get out of life aren’t what we deserve.” I said, pulling away from him and disappearing into the crowd.


Fae Gage has lived a life that many would kill for. With a unique kind of family, crazy friends and a loving boyfriend, Fae has it all. But even though Fae has it all there’s one small problem that strolls into her life and stirs up trouble and he goes by the name of Noah. As children, Fae and Noah were best friends up until the age of five when Fae moved to California and Noah to New York. They drifted apart, barely talking when they did see each other when their parents got together for holidays and summer vacations.

But now, twelve years later, Noah and his parents decide to move to California unexpectedly from one day to another. Even though Noah and Fae were once best of friends, doing everything together because their mothers were almost like sisters, they cannot stand each other. With Noah’s good looks, player ways and bad attitude, Fae can’t stand his presence; in fact she’ll go to strong measures just to ignore being seen by him.

But one night can change it all. In one night, everything Fae has, is questioned and she sees a different side to Noah. One slip up on his behalf and Fae starts to question him and when answers aren’t given she seeks them, ignoring every sign that going after answers to his past is a bad idea.


Also, I'd really appreciate it, if you all read my other works. I have a few that are finished/on the way to being finished.

Forgetting Roman, Flawless, The Out Crowd, Wanderlust, Memories of Aspen, and Beating Hearts (a rewrite of an earlier novel series I first posted when i joined wattpad)


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