Chapter Thirty: Sick & Waiting Results

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Chapter Thirty: Sick & Waiting Results

                Hours passed and somewhere around eleven at night, rain began to fall. In the background girls squealed, complaining about how the rain was messing up their hair and make-up. Families and groups all scattered to get to the safety of their vehicles but we didn’t. My friends and I all stayed where we sat and looked up at the night sky.

                Rain hit us, starting off as a light drizzle but soon turned into a hard shower. Paisley laughed as Nick spun her around, Gracie yelled as Luke and Jason held her, Luke by the hands, Jason by the legs and threatened to toss her in the nearby puddle. Tyler laughed as Hayley jumped on Josh’s back causing them both to slip and fall onto the muddy ground.

                Adam sat next to me and laughed, his arm wrapped around my shoulders in a protective kind of way. “We have some weird friends,” he replied, making sure I wasn’t getting too soaked.

                I laughed along with him and nodded. By now, every one of our friends was covered in mud, soaking wet and laughing like retarded seals on the ground all laying on top of each other as they squished Josh to death. Looking over at Adam I gave him a smile and nudged him, “Last one on the dog pile has to do laundry when we get home.”


                “I’m fine babe,” Ethan laughed. He had finally called. Two days after his leave, he called. In those two days I had slept a lot, not wanting to be awake just waiting for him to call. So to do something with my time I slept and when I couldn’t sleep I wrote. It worked and the hours went by quicker and quicker and by the time I knew it I was hearing Ethan’s voice.

                “I miss you,” I told him.

                Again he laughed. A sound that I was missing more and more as time passed. “I miss you too beautiful.”

                We talked for half an hour after that but soon he had to go and the call ended. After that I felt a bit better but not enough for the ache in my chest to go away. Hours later after I woke up from yet again another daytime nap I made my way downstairs and found Gracie and Adam watching a movie in the living room.

                “Hey sleeping beauty,” Adam smirked as he watched me sit down on one of the beanbags. “You’re finally up.”

                I rolled my eyes and pulled my sleeves over my hands. “What are you watching?” I asked.

                “White Chicks,” Gracie answered.

                I didn’t bother replying; instead I watched the rest of the movie and half of another before once again I fell asleep. I was tired, dead exhausted but that wasn’t the only thing I had been feeling. I blamed it Ethan’s leave, saying I was just stressing and worrying too much for him. Little did I know that it wasn’t just stress, it was a whole lot more.


                “Okay Mrs. Ruiz,” I started as I gave the elderly lady a smile. I was working, well more like completing my rounds at the clinical sight. I had gone through all of my skills once and tested off on them so now I was just going around looking for something to do, when I stumbled across her. “It’s time to take your vitals. How was your nap?”

                Mrs. Ruiz looked at me and smiled, “Oh honey, it was fine. I slept like a baby.”

                “That’s great, I’m glad to hear that. Now could you please place your arm on the table for me?” I asked.

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