Chapter Thirty Four: People Change

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Chapter Thirty Four: People Change

                “Well,” Dr. King began as he draped his stethoscope around his neck. “Everything’s fine with her and the baby.” He told Adam.

                I glanced over at Adam and gave him a pointed look, “See, I told you I was okay.”

                Adam rolled his eyes and shook his head, “We could never be too careful,”

                “But I told you I was fine.” I defended.

                “I found you on the kitchen floor Carmen,” he argued.

                “I was fine.” I replied glaring at him.

                “You were having a hard time breathing.”

                “I was fine.” I repeated.

                Dr. King cleared his throat and our attention turned to him, “Well, I see you’re scheduled to come in next week for your five month check up.” He said changing the subject.

                “Five months?” Adam gasped out. “You’re that far along already?”

                 I nodded and pushed the loose strands of hair out of my face, “Yeah, if you were still talking to me you would have known.”

                Adam was silent for awhile and I could tell that Dr. King was uncomfortable now. “So,” he trailed off. “Do you want get the check up now or just wait?”

                I looked up at Dr. King and silently nodded, “Yes, that would be preferable.” I told him.

                Dr. King gave me a small smile and nodded, “Okay, I’ll get Alice to transfer you to another room. Would you like your… friend to come in with you?” he asked.

                I looked over at Adam who was staring at the wall, long and hard about something. His gaze was far away and I could tell he wasn’t even paying attention anymore by way his brows furrowed together. His hair was all over the place due to running his hands through it so many times. I remember that on the way to Dr. King’s office the entire time he drove he was silent while he ran a hand through his hair every so often.

                “Adam,” I called. His attention snapped to me, over to Dr. King, then back to me again.


                “Did you want to come with me?” I asked.


                “Into the office,”


                “Five month check up.” I trailed off.

                Adam was silent for awhile, I could see the wheel turning in his head, mentally fighting with his thoughts. “Sure,” he replied after what seemed like hours.

                Dr. King nodded and said something that I couldn’t exactly hear. “Why did you show up at the house?” I asked him once we were alone.

                Adam ran a hand through his hair and sighed. “I went to pick up some more things.” He admitted. “I didn’t expect to see you there, your truck wasn’t in the driveway so I thought you were gone.” He replied.

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