Chapter Twenty Eight: He Was It

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Chapter Twenty Eight: He Was It

                The third day into Spring Break vacation and already Auburn and Adam were going at it like wild dogs fighting over food, and I mean that literally, they were fighting over food. Walking into the kitchen I spotted Auburn stuffing a whole muffin into her mouth as she stood on the other side of the kitchen island smirking at Adam and even though his back was facing me I knew that he was glaring at her.

                His hair was a devilish mess; he wore a pair of blue plaid pajama bottoms and his torso was on full show. We all knew Adam had a good body; he knew it, which is why he chose to show it off. We had all gotten use to it after many years of knowing the conceited jerk so when he walked around without a shirt it was no surprise.

                “That was the last muffin!” he cried out in despair.

                It took Red a few minutes before she could finally talk, “Well I just ate it!” she retorted.

                “No shit!” Adam replied throwing up his hands in the air. “I saw you stuff it down your throat like a starved child!”

                “I was hungry!” she cried out before rolling her eyes and grabbed the gallon of orange juice and poured herself a glass.

                “So am I.”

                “Then make yourself something Adam.” She replied innocently before spotting me and grinning from ear to ear. “Morning Carmen!”

                “Morning,” I replied with a smile as I maneuvered my way towards the refrigerator to grab a bottle of orange juice.

                “Carmen,” Adam whined. “I’m hungry.”

                I rolled my eyes and faced him; he was pouting thinking that somehow him trying to be ‘cute’ would make me want to make him food. I scoffed and sat down onto one of the barstools, opening my plastic bottle of orange juice and took a long gulp from it. “You have two hands that work perfectly fine, make your own breakfast.”


                Around noon Ethan rolled out of bed. Literately. He had rolled over and the next thing you know there was a loud thud and a few seconds later of groan of pain. I had been sitting down in front of vanity applying my make-up when it all had happened. A laugh had escaped my lips and a scolding Ethan glared back at me.

                “It’s not funny,” he said his voice laced with sleep. He stood up, his bare chest on full display; a pair of pajama pants slung low on his waist revealing a pair of American Eagle boxers rimming at the top.

                “Oh,” I laughed. “it is my love.”

                 Ethan rolled his eyes and crawled back into bed, falling onto the bed and hiding his face into the pillow. “Why are you up so early?” he asked, his words muffled by the pillow.

                “It’s noon babe,” I said as I finished applying eyeliner.

                “Too early,”

                Laughing I stood up and pulled my hair up into a pony tail, leaving a few strands loose down. I wore a pair of white shorts along with a purple ruffle blouse and a pair of grey Vans. I wasn’t too sure about what we were going to be doing today but if anything I was prepared for it. It was a beautiful day out and it was perfect weather for being outside doing anything.

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