Chapter Fourteen: As Time Passes

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Chapter Fourteen: As Time Passes

December 30, 2012 (3 months later)

                The holidays were in tow, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas had passed and in a couple of days it would be the New Year. It had been three months since the night I walked out of Izzy’s Café, the night that I had talked to Ethan. A lot had happened in the last three months, I had told my mother that I wouldn’t be home for the holidays after a conversation that turned bad. Paisley had taken an interest in Nick and they seemed to be pretty friendly with each other the last couple of weeks. Nothing really changed with the rest of us.

                Adam was still the man-whore he had always been, Gracie was still the crazy one of the group who enjoyed clubbing, and Hayley and Josh were still together although for a moment I thought that they would break up after the heated argument they had the day after the Halloween party but they worked through it and were now once again the happy couple they were.

                In the last three months Ethan had tried countless of times to get me to talk to him, at least twice a week he would show up at my work and pester me until I called security to escort him out of the building. I would find sticky notes stuck to my truck in various spots asking me- begging me to talk to him. But no matter what he did I wouldn’t give in.

                I laid on the couch flipping through the channels on TV. The first semester of university had finished a few weeks ago and I had a whole month to rest. I had passed both my classes and I was excited to begin the second half of the nursing program. This time around January I would be training and learning new skills and how to do them then by the second week of February I would be in the clinical setting actually doing what I had learned.

                For the second semester I had signed up for two more classes along with my nursing one. Psychology and another writing class, a part of nursing I loved to write, it was something that I enjoyed doing and something I picked up after what happened back in high school. A part from being a wild child I did other things aside from sneaking out, getting plastered and doing stupid shit. I stayed home at least once or twice a month and read. I sometimes wrote or just watched movies with the girls and Adam.

                I sighed and sat up, running a hand through my hair. It was Sunday and the girls had gone to work while Adam had gone out with his friends. It was around noon and I was completely bored, nothing to do apart from watch the reruns on TV. I sighed heavily and stood up deciding that a little cleaning wouldn’t hurt. The house was clean since we had cleaned it yesterday but knowing Adam what he cleaned wasn’t the way I wanted it done. As I grabbed the Pledge from underneath the sink and a rag I made my way towards the living room once again to dust off the furniture and polish everything so it would look clean.

                Half way through my work and in the middle of a good song my phone started ringing. Milkshake by Kelis rang throughout the house and I grinned. The familiar ringtone brightening my day, it had been a few weeks since I had last talked to her so I didn’t question her call.

                “Sherlock!” I instantly answered.

                “Watson!” Auburn replied. “Why you no call me?!” My crazy redheaded best friend asked. I had known Auburn since my freshman year in high school but not until my junior year did she and I start getting close. It was like she and I connected and we just got each other, she and I were a lot alike and she herself was a wild child. It had been with her that most of my sneaking out was done with, her parents were strict but that didn’t stop her. She learned how to master sneaking past the cameras in her house and somehow she managed to never get caught.

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