Chapter Twenty Two: Teasing and Temptations

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Chapter Twenty Two: Teasing & Temptation

Ethan’s POV

                “Where are you taking me?” I asked her as we sped down a dirt road.

                It was the night before my birthday and Carmen had decided to ‘kidnap’ me. With the help of my three idiotic best friends she was able to get me into her truck. It seemed as if in the last couple of weeks she and the guys had gotten some kind of weird friendship going on. Luke had took it upon himself to call her ‘little sis’ while the Jason and Ty had stuck with ‘short stuff’.

                “You’ll see when we get there,” she replied before turning up the volume to the radio. Her phone was playing her music through the Bluetooth and a dubstep song came on. “I didn’t know you liked this kind of music.” I said raising the volume up just a little.

                Cracks by Freestylers the Flux Pavillion Remix played and at the corner of my eye I saw her smile.

                “Yeah, I got into it junior year in high school. I went out a lot and the music just stuck with me.” she replied shrugging.

                “Who’s your favorite DJ?” I asked.

                She laughed, “Krewella and Skrillex.

                I nodded, “They’re pretty dope, I’d never take you as the kind of girl to listen to this kind of music.” I laughed.

                She rolled her eyes and took a left turn, “Just like you never took me as a truck kind of girl?”

                I smirked, remembering the memory of the day I had seen her getting into her big red Ford truck. It was nice and she had good taste in vehicles, she had grown up around it all her life and she was more of a tomboy than a girly girl. I had always loved that about her. I loved that she was able to get dirty and not start to whine about getting dirt on her clothes or breaking a nail but just because she could roll around in the mud she did clean up well.

                “Oh c’mon I just never thought you’d be driving around a truck. I honestly thought you’d be driving like a freaking sports car.” I told her.

                She snorted out a laugh and took a left turn, “Like your car?” she asked.

                I rolled my eyes, “My car is badass don’t be bashing on it!”

                Carmen laughed, “I agree 100% your car is a beauty hell when I first saw it I fell in love.”

                I smirked, yeah my car was badass.

                “But then I saw who drove it.” she added.

                My head snapped in her direction and I glared at her playfully, she always did know how to knock me down a few notches when she knew I was getting cocky. “Ha-Ha.”

                Carmen laughed and then we drove in silence for a few more minutes until we came to a stop. She put the truck into park and turned off the engine leaving us in complete darkness at a random house God knows where. She opened her door and the lights instantly turned on, revealing a serious looking Carmen.

                “Alright get out.” she demanded.

                “What?” she asked.

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