Chapter Nineteen: Surprises

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Chapter Nineteen: Surprises

                I had no clue why I had said yes to Ethan and his date question but I had and apparently everyone had heard. How? Well they had been behind my closed door hearing what went on between Ethan and I but when I found out I wasn’t mad, no, what made me was mad was how Gracie was acting.

                “Gracie we need to talk,” I asked of her after Ethan had left and I had taken my shower.

                “Go talk to your boyfriend.” She replied causing my blood to boil to no end.

                “Gracie we need to talk,” I repeated deciding to ignore her last comment.

                She rolled her eyes and walked into the kitchen, “For what? You don’t need us anymore.”

                I bit my lip and clenched my fists at my sides. Was she seriously acting like this? Was she seriously choosing to act like a child when I need to talk to her? “Gracie Ann I will not fucking repeat myself!” I hissed.

                Gracie twirled around and glared at me, “You are not my mother!” she hissed. “Stop acting like I have to listen to you! How could you? He left you alone Carmen! And here you are letting him back into your life like nothing happened!” she yelled.

                “I’m not!” I yelled back. “I’m not letting him in like nothing ever happened! Don’t you get it?! It’s been half a year since I’ve seen him again and I’ve ignored him months after months and he is still trying!”

                “That doesn’t mean shit!” she screamed. “If he left once what makes you think he won’t leave again?”

                “I don’t know for sure.” I replied. “But you know what I realized? That after all these years I still have feelings for the dumbass. Okay? There I said it. I still have feelings for Ethan Gage and life is all about taking risks so you know what? I’m going to take one now. I might have forgiven him for what he did but I will never forget it.”

                Gracie was fuming, she was angry that I chose to forgive Ethan so easily but honestly, even though I had forgiven him I still didn’t trust him, I still didn’t forget that he left me when I needed him the most.

                “He was your best friend Gracie, when will you forgive him?” I asked her.

                “He was my best friend. He isn’t anymore. He left you, he left us all. He doesn’t deserve to be forgiven.” She replied.

                “You can’t keep a grudge forever.” I replied.

                “It won’t be forever,” Gracie answered as she turned to walk out of the kitchen. “Just until I die.”


                I stood in front of my mirror looking at my reflection. A deep emerald green blouse clung to my upper body all in the right places and then flowed at the bottom. A pair of light blue skinny jeans hugged my legs while a pair of black UGG boots that protected my feet from the cold and the snow that had fallen last night.

                My make-up was done minimal and my hair was let down in waves down my back. For some I was feeling small butterflies in my stomach, so inhaling deeply a few times I tried to get rid of them. I shouldn’t be feeling those things now, this date with Ethan wasn’t like all the other ones I had gone on with him.

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