Chapter Twenty Seven: Heartbroken

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Chapter Twenty Seven: Heartbroken

                The week of Spring Break had finally come and we were all on the road heading back home towards the beach. Ethan drove my truck and took the lead ahead of everybody, followed by Adam and Gracie in her car, Nick and Paisley in his Range Rover, Tyler and the boys in his SUV, and Josh and Hayley in Josh’s car.

                The ten hour drive back home was going to long but we had planned out everything to the dot making it so we arrived within a day and not two like it would have been. Everybody was taking turns driving we wouldn’t have to stop for the night and sleep and so far, two hours into the drive, everything was going smoothly.

                Music was softly playing in the background as Ethan drove one handed, his other resting in between the both of us. I looked out the window watching the highway pass by in a blur, thinking of the conversation that I had, had with my Mother days before. I had told her about going back home for spring break but to go to the beach. She had been hurt that we weren’t going to visit her but I had told her that we’d stop by when we went to go see Ezra. The last couple of months had passed by and not a day went by that I didn’t think about my son.

                Ethan knew that I missed him, hell I even had dreams about seeing him as he grew up. Those were the dreams that I woke up screaming from because in each and everyone, he would die; it didn’t matter how old he was, he still died. I was snapped out of my thoughts once Ethan gently slapped my leg getting my attention. I turned and stared at him, we had stopped at a gas station, the others parked next to us in open spaces.

                “Do you want anything?” he asked me.

                “Just a water.” I replied giving him a small smile.

                Ethan slid out of the truck and walked into the store, Paisley, Adam and Tyler following closely behind. In the cup holder my phone ran notifying me that I had a new message, sliding my finger across the screen I opened the new text.

                I’m bored. –Hayley.

                Welcome to the club. –Carmen.

                What are you doing? –Hayley.

                Oh nothing, just about to jump off a plane; I’m going to go skydiving. –Carmen.

                Lucky!! –Hayley.

                Anywho, how are you liking the drive down so far? –Carmen.

                It’s cool, a bunch of land so far but from the stories you all tell me about this beach I’m all for sitting in a car for 10 hrs. So it better be worth it. –Hayley.

                Rolling my eyes I looked up seeing Ethan talking with the guys in front of Nick’s Range Rover. I looked back down at my screen and smiled, Don’t worry. It will be. –Carmen.

                Ethan slid into the truck a few minutes later and before we knew it, we were back on the road. I continued my conversation with Hayley for a little longer before she excused herself to take a nap. Two hours turned into six and six turned into eight and before we knew it, we were back in the small town that majority of the group had grown up in.

                We passed by familiar houses, streets and business before getting to our destination. We had made it a point to stop at everybody’s family (the people who grew up here) before heading off towards the beach. Of course, my house had to be first, nobody wanted to face their family yet, Paisley especially.

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