Chapter Thirty Seven: Setting Them Up Years in Advance.

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Chapter Thirty Seven: Setting Them Up Years in Advance.

1 year later

                I watched as Adam and Ethan struggled to put up a simple swing set while Fae sat on her uncle Nick’s lap playing with her bottle of milk. From my place in the kitchen I could see everything perfectly clear and it sent warm feelings into the pit of my stomach. I smiled and turned my back on the cute scene and faced my best girl friends Auburn and Paisley.

                A year had gone by so quickly, half of which Ethan wasn’t present for because he had to go back to base in California. But he was back now and even though it was only until the New Year once again came strolling in, I was happy that I once again had him home.

                It was Fae’s first birthday today and for it being the first of December, the weather outside wasn’t freezing cold. That was the thing about Texas, one day it would be freezing cold and the next we were in the high ninety degree Fahrenheit weather. It was unpredictable but easy to get use to.

                Paisley dunked her chip into the dip and popped it into her mouth smiling as she looked over her shoulder to see how Noah and Tyler were getting along. They were both sitting at the kitchen table, Noah in Tyler’s arms as he tried to feed him his bottle. Behind him Josh sat on the couch watching the football game that was one, a beer in his hand, Hayley snuggling close into his side with a pillow tucked under her arm.

                “I can’t believe Fae and Noah are a year old already!” Auburn gushed out smiling as she drank out of her Smirnoff.

                “Noah older by two months,” Paisley pointed out.

                I smiled, “I know, time has gone by extremely fast.”

                From the table Tyler groaned out in annoyance and we turned our attention to him. He sat with Noah at arm’s length in front of him, glaring daggers at the giggling baby in his arms we sighed once again. “Thanks to you,” he spoke to Noah. “I’m not having kids.”

                I rolled my eyes as Auburn and Paisley laughed at him, “Don’t say that.” I warned. “You’ll probably be the next to have a kid.” I told him smirking.

                Looking over his shoulder, he directed his glare in my direction. “Fuck off,”

                I raised a brow and tsked at him, “Language Ty,” I responded with a smirk. “There are children present.”

                “He probably can’t even understand what we’re saying!” he argued.

                Paisley cut in, her motherly instinct kicking in. “Don’t be using that kind of language around my son Tyler. I swear to everything that is holy, if his first word so happens to be any foul word I will cut off your balls and feed them to Tinker Bell.”

                Tinker Bell so happened to be a German Sheppard that Nick had gotten Paisley for her birthday, even though the name seemed sweet when you saw the dog you knew the name was a distraction.  Tyler’s glare deepened as it turned towards Paisley. He didn’t argue instead stood up and handed Noah over to his mother.

                “I’m going outside,” Ty murmured as he slid the glass door open and stepped out onto the deck.

                Turning my attention back to the girls I smiled when I saw Auburn typing away on her phone. “Ian?” I presumed.

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