Chapter Ten: Soundtrack 2 My Life

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Chapter Ten: Soundtrack 2 My Life

                Okay so I’m not going to beat around the bush. In a normal relationship couples have sex. It might be on the first day they get together or it might be months later or maybe even years. And Ethan and I’s relationship was pretty normal. We went out on dates, spent time with each other’s families, fought here and there about stupid things and eventually we did do the dirty. We had been dating for a year when I had let him have me entirely and I didn’t regret it. He had been my first and I had been his.

                I didn’t know why that certain thought popped into my head- Ethan being my first and vise versa but it did when I was at work stacking the heavy boxes of books for the classes that had been ordered. Maybe it was because it had been yet again another week since I last ran into him. I made it a point that if I needed to go to Wal-Mart I had to send one of the girls or Adam. I didn’t dare take the risk of ending up at his register again but since he also attended university I couldn’t just send Adam or the girls to my classes and do come into work for me. No, that I had to do on my own.

                So tonight, a Wednesday night I had gotten stuck with a late shift, instead of getting out at six like I usually did I would be getting out at eight. Oh the joys of being an adult. As I hauled more boxes from the front room to the back storage I blasted my iPod, my earphones wire dangling as I moved around the book store. It was still open, Jaime working the front just in case someone came in to buy something, while I did the heavy stuff.

                Jaime had dirty blonde hair and an attitude that made me want to smack her every time she talked. Her voice was that annoying and her bad attitude made her ugly, even though she was as beautiful as a model. The bitch had an attitude problem.

                “Carmen!” The girl screeched, her voice louder than the music currently blasting into my eardrums. I pulled the earphones out and sighed.

                “What?” I asked annoyed.

                “I’m going to go on break!” she hollered. “Be back in ten!”

                I rolled my eyes and didn’t bother replying, putting in one earphone only just in case someone came into the store I continued to haul the boxes. I had already moved seven and to what it seemed like I needed at least ten more.

                The song changed and I smiled. Soundtrack 2 My Life by Kid Cudi began playing and I listened to the first verse before belting out the next, not caring who heard me.

                “I’ve got some issues that nobody can see

                And all of these emotions are pouring out of me

                I bring them to the light for you

                It’s only right

                This is the soundtrack to my life, the soundtrack to my life.

                I’m super paranoid, like a 6th sense

                Since my father died, I ain’t been writing since

                And I tried to piece the puzzle of the universe

                Split an eighth of shrooms just so I could see the universe

                I tried to think about myself as a sacrifice

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