Chapter Fifteen: A New Year & A New Confession

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Chapter Fifteen: A New Year & A New Confession

                I tried not to think much about the date that was coming closer and closer as each day passed. After meeting up with Auburn and Clara at the Café where the girls worked at we headed back to the house, this time Auburn and Clara followed me all the way home. As I drove I couldn’t stop thinking about how the years had passed by so quickly.

                Once we were at home I showed Clara and Auburn around the house, they would be staying in the living room but we had a couple of air mattresses that they could use to sleep on.

                “I love it! It looks so homey!” Clara smiled as she looked around the living room. Clara was a year younger than us being only seventeen while Auburn was eighteen. I was older than everybody by a few months but since I was the shortest every one treated me like I was the baby of the group. Clara’s dark brown hair fell in curls around her heart shaped face, her colored eyes shining with awe. She had graduated a year earlier than her original class and graduated with us instead. When I first found out that Clara would be moving in with Auburn I was doubtful, I didn’t think that she was ready to move out yet at such a young age but it was her choice so I couldn’t have a say in it.

                “Thanks,” I replied smiling.

                For the next few hours, the three of us sat in the living room, eating popcorn, candy, ice cream and other junk foods while watching a movie and catching up. I hadn’t told the girls about seeing Ethan again because I knew that if I told Auburn she’d be the first one out of her seat and out the door. She really didn’t like Ethan after what happened she was one of the few to stick by my side, Clara on the other hand didn’t know anything about Ethan. She hadn’t even met him but she had seen him once or twice the month that he did attend sophomore year while she was a freshman.

                “Ladies I am home!” Adam yelled once he entered the house. The three of us looked away from the TV and saw Adam standing at the door with his arms wide open thinking that Clara and Auburn would run into his arms once he showed up.

                Auburn scoffed and rolled her eyes before turning her attention back to the movie, “Sup pussy.” She greeted him.

                “Hey Adam,” Clara smiled.

                Adam dropped his arms and sat down on the beanbag chair next to the sofa we were occupying. “What brings you two here?” he asked.

                “Visiting you all for the New Year,” Clara replied.

                “Your mama,” Auburn chimed in.

                I snickered and shook my head. Adam and Auburn had the kind of relationship that consisted of constant bickering but even though they were constantly fighting they were pretty close friends.

                Adam scoffed, “Really Red? How original. Your mama jokes are so high school.”

                “So are your clothes,” Auburn replied in a heartbeat.

                I laughed and glanced over at Adam who was now glaring at our dear friend. Clara was practically on the floor from laughing so much and I was on the verge of peeing my pants because I was trying to hold back the laughter. Giving Adam a once over I came to realize Auburn was right, what he wore tonight was indeed an outfit that he wore in high school.

                It wasn’t a bad thing I still wore clothes from the previous years it was just funny how Auburn hadn’t even looked at him properly before she had made that remark. But when it came to fashion, Auburn was the first to notice what you wore and how you could make it better. Along with having a good knack for physical therapy, fashion came to her like breathing.

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