Chapter Two: False Promises

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Chapter Two: False Promises

                I stared at Adam’s body as he slept. I know, you probably thinking ‘Weirdo…’ but really he’s the weird one because he was asleep on the living room floor. He was sprawled out onto the wood flooring in only his SpongeBob SquarePants boxers and a hoodie. Yeah, now who’s the weirdo one?

                I rolled my eyes and kicked his leg. He only grunted then went right back to sleeping. I now understood why his Mother was all too thrilled when he told her he was moving in with me ten hours away. As soon as she heard the news she began packing his stuff for him- a year early.

                “Adam,” I called out his name and I got nothing in response.

                “Hey loser!” I tried again and still, nothing.

                I groaned and walked away from him deciding that he was too drunk and probably still high to even comprehend what the heck he was doing or going on for that matter. He probably fell asleep a few hours ago, since he was up all night singing, drinking and getting stoned, celebrating for us until four in the morning about how we were finally living on our own in college.

                Walking into the kitchen I poured myself a cup of coffee and began mixing my cream and sugar into it. The clock on the stove read 8:47 AM and I knew that Gracie and Paisley would be fast asleep until noon probably.

                I drank my coffee and decided that unpacking more boxes would probably be the best thing to do since the others were asleep and since I was a complete perfectionist and clean freak I wanted things done and put in a certain way and without Paisley, Gracie and our pothead best friend I’d get things done quicker, they’d just slow me down if they were to help me get things situated out here with the rest of the house.

                I stepped over Adam’s body and placed my coffee cup on the coffee table and opened up a box that was labeled “Living room frames” in my hand writing. I pulled out multiple frames and started hanging them up on walls around the living room, hallway and dining area. The pictures were mostly of all four of us or frames of landscapes or abstract that one of us liked, some were even pictures of us and our families.

                When I was done unpacking the boxes that contained frames, I opened up others and started putting everything in the place I thought it looked best in. An hour and a half later I was done with the boxes for the living room, kitchen and dining room and so far the house looked half made up. I knew there were more things to be done like putting up the DVD player and the movies on the movie rack next to the TV but I’d leave that for Adam to do. He had to connect his gaming in anyways.

                Plopping myself down onto a beanbag I exhaled deeply and picked up my hair into a messy pony tail. Who knew unpacking things could be so exhausting. As I fished out my phone from my hoodie pocket I scrolled through Facebook checking my newsfeed and my wall. I have five new notifications since the last time I checked it-which was yesterday morning.

                Auburn King said she was with you and two others in Austin, Texas: It’s been less than twenty four hours since I’ve last seen you and I already miss you! D: Gonna miss you all! Hope you all have fun and keep in touch losers! –with Gracie Anderson, Adam Prescott and Paisley Himes.

                I smiled at the post and shook my head, pressing the like button; I checked my other notifications and messaged people back then after ten minutes I logged off and put my phone away decided to call my Mother after I took a shower. Next to me Adam groaned and I glanced over at him, he was now in a sitting position as he held his hand in between his hands. I smirked at the sight and cleared my throat.

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