Chapter Seventeen: When the Old Meets the New

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Chapter Seventeen:  When the Old Meets the New

                I walked through the front door and was immediately engulfed into Auburn’s dark gaze. Her red hair was up in a messy pony tail while she wore a pink crop top that fell off her shoulder and a pair of black shorts under black tights. She looked funny and under a different situation I would have laughed but her dark gaze stopped me in my tracks.

                “Hello?” I greeted confused.

                “Explain.” She demanded crossing her arms across her chest.

                “Explain what exactly?” I asked as I pushed passed her and shrugged off my coat.

                “Why haven’t you told me that Ethan Gage is in town?!”

                I sighed, “Because we haven’t talked properly since you got here, you’ve only been here at least two days.”

                “So? You could have called me into your room, or better yet called me when I was back in Austin. Word has it that he’s been here since you’ve gotten here!”

                Plopping down onto the sofa I ran a hand through my cold hair and sighed once again, “Things have been hectic.” I admitted. “I’m sorry.”

                Auburn sat down next to me and sighed, “So tell me everything that has happened.”

                I inhaled deeply and turned to her getting comfortable in the couch and with that I told her everything from the very beginning up until a few hours ago in the café. Throughout my mini story she was quiet and never let an expression over take her face. She was mute and listened to everything I had to say and that was one of the things I loved about Auburn. She never judged until she knew the entire story.

                “So to me it sounds like you two are back together.”

                I snorted, “But we’re not.”

                Auburn sighed and gave me a small smile, “I know sorry doesn’t help anything and I don’t really understand what you’re going through because I’ve never been in that situation but I’m here for you Cee. I guess you allowing him back into your life was a good thing because no one other than him will understand the pain it is too lose your child.”

                I shrugged, “We’ll have to see what happens.”


                “Let’s play a game,” his deep voice said through the other side of the phone.

                I lay in my bed staring up at my ceiling as the fan went in circles. “What kind?”

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