Chapter Twenty Six: Started With a Party; Ended With a Party

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Chapter Twenty Six: Started With a Party; Ended With a Party

                I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I sighed and rolled over; the spot next to me felt cold which meant that Ethan hadn’t been here for awhile. I pulled his pillow closer to me and buried my face into it, breathing in his scent. Memories of last night flooded my mind.

                The way he had woke me up in the middle of the night just to tell me he loved me; the way the soft kiss that was meant to be quickly turned into something more. We both had gotten lost after that point; we clung to each other and savored every kiss, every touch because we knew that moments like this were limited.

                And as time stopped for us, we let ourselves get lost in each other’s touch and just like the night that Ezra was conceived we took our time, stretching it out more than usual, making it last as if it were our last.

                My phone began to ring, bringing me out of my thoughts. I groaned and rolled back over, blindly searching the floor for my shorts were my phone was. After several more annoying rings I found it and pressed it to my ear.


                “Watson!”Auburns overly excited voice yelled through the phone.

                I cringed, it was too early for anybody to be so happy in the morning. “Why are you so happy?” I asked. “It’s too early in the morning to be happy.” I told her.

                Auburn laughed and I could picture her rolling her eyes, “It’s two in the afternoon Carmen.” She pointed out.

                I sat up in bed and ran a hand through my hair, no wonder Ethan wasn’t here. He was working out with the guys. “Still too early.”

                Her laughter drifted through the phone and I wondered why she was so happy. Since the new year came in I had talked to her over Skype and the phone a few times but none of those times had she sounded so happy. “Alright spill,” I demanded knowing my best friend more than anything. “Who’s the lad?” I asked.

                Auburn scoffed, “Lad? Seriously what are you British?” she laughed.

                I rolled my eyes and stood up pulling the bed sheets with me so that they were wrapped around my body. “Fuck off Auburn, now tell me. You met someone.”

                Throughout high school Auburn never really dated. She was never one to be open about relationships. She was scared of them more than the Grudge noise and that said a lot. She had always been independent so being in a relationship seemed to be her biggest fear. I’m guessing she got over it if she met someone.

                “His name is Ian.” She started. “He’s a year older than me, blonde hair, cute face, nice body. He goes along with my jokes! He understands them Carmen!”

                I smiled into the phone as I moved around Ethan’s room, looking for a shirt that I could wear after I got out of my shower.

                “He loves to party but he likes to stay in some nights also. He’s smart and when he was younger he went to a military school. He knows how to fly a plane dude! We can party in the sky!”

                “He’s sounds great Red.” I replied. He sounded like the perfect guy for her in all honesty.

                “Oh! And the best part? He’s like weird. Like the whole group weird.”

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