Chapter Thirty Five: The Waiting Game

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Chapter Thirty Five: The Waiting Game

*2 Months Later*

                I felt like a freaking whale. Seven months pregnant and I was bigger than I had been when I was carrying Ezra and I was huge. Luke kept telling me I looked funny, since I was short and tiny but I had a huge belly. Paisley had given birth to a baby boy, inheriting her golden locks, and his father’s eyes. One thing was for sure Noah, her son, was going to be a heartbreaker. Even now, at a few weeks old he had stolen all of our hearts, strangers included.

                After Adam’s revelation about Gracie’s behavior, I began to pay close attention and I realized that he was right. She had changed. She dressed differently and acted differently, bring home at least two different guys in the few days that I observed her actions. Confronting her had only caused her to snap. She packed her things and left, going back home to her parents because she couldn’t do it anymore.

                So I was left living alone for a few days before Adam found out and moved back in. Things between he and I were still a bit off but we had agreed that we’d work things out; he promised that his feelings wouldn’t get in the way of anything anymore. So while school started up again, I decided to take a break. I already had my license in nursing so I was set for a job whenever I was ready to work again, that was after I gave birth to my baby girl. Ethan and I still hadn’t come up with a name yet but we had a few in mind.

                He had been over the top excited when I told him that we were having a girl and we constantly Skyped whenever he had a chance. It was a downer that he was all the way in California for base but in time we’d be together again. He said he’d be here for the birth and the months after that but he wouldn’t be able to stay for as long as wanted.

                “Noah’s here!” Adam yelled as I padded my way down the stairs. I smiled as I rounded the corner and came face to face with Paisley and baby Noah, Nick not far behind carrying his baby bag.

                “Hey Cee!” Paisley smiled walking straight towards the couch, carrying Noah’s car seat.

                “Hey Pais,” I smiled back. Her golden locks were pulled up into a tight pony tail, a few strands flying from the fall breeze outside. Autumn was leaving and winter was coming in, signaling a new year coming once again.

                “How are you feeling?” Nick asked getting down the bags on the floor as Paisley took Noah out.

                I smiled as baby Noah came into sight, his hazel eyes gleaming under the light of the lamp in the corner of the living room. It was getting late and Paisley and Nick decided that Adam and I could babysit while they went out on a date. Even though Noah was just a few weeks old, they both needed to go out. He was a handful and they deserved their own time together.

                “Big,” I replied placing both hands on my large baby bump.

                Nick laughed and draped an arm over Paisley’s shoulder, giving her a kiss on the temple as she handed over Noah to Adam. “You’re looking good Carmen, don’t sweat it.”

                I rolled my eyes and shrugged, “Not my first pregnancy, I know what’s to come, this is nothing yet.”

                Paisley snorted out a laugh and wrapped an arm Nick’s waist while she watched Adam softly rock Noah in his arms while making funny faces. “Yeah, all very helpful by the way.” Paisley replied her attention on her son and best friend but her hearing on us.

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