Chapter Three: Passing Hours and a Long Night Ahead

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Chapter Three: Passing Hours and a Long Night Ahead

                Five days living with Gracie, Paisley and Adam already I was going crazy. We hadn't gone anywhere since arriving into town because we all wanted to get situated first and in five long days we got most of the house unpacked. My bedroom was still half unpacked due to my paranoia of finding another note from Him. Finding that one letter brought back a bunch of memories that I thought I had hid deep within all of my other thoughts.

                His words still did something to me and that wasn't good. Not good at all.

                "I'm bored," Paisley whined as she rested her feet on Adam's legs, only for him to knock them down a few seconds later. Glaring at him, she tossed her blonde locks over her shoulder and carried on talking to me as if nothing had just happened. "We should go out and meet some of the people we're going to be going to school with." She suggested.

                "For what?" Gracie mumbled over the food she had in her mouth.

                "Because it will be a good idea to meet other people, come on! There's a freshman party going on at one of the houses on campus." Pais replied.

                "And how did you know about this party?" Adam asked. "We've been here five days and haven't gone outside of this house since getting here."

                "I've got my connections." Her simple reply left us all wondering what kind of connections this chick had; we didn't know anybody else here in Lubbock so who could have of told her about the freshman party?

                "Facebook guys," Paisley breathed out. "Geez stop looking at me as if my connections go all the way to the drug cartels."

                I rolled my eyes as Gracie laughed. "What time is it at?" I asked, curious. I was tired of being in this house doing nothing.


                "In the morning?" Adam asked.

                "At night dumbass." Gracie replied throwing a pillow in his direction. "Who the fuck parties at ten in the morning?"

                "Yo mama." Paisley replied before standing up and skipping towards the kitchen.


                The house was pretty quiet ever since Paisley told us about the party. Adam had disappeared into his bedroom and Gracie had gone out for a run, said something about her losing her leg muscle is she didn't continue to run. Paisley stayed watching TV in the living room while I lay in my bedroom doing absolutely nothing.

                Staring at my ceiling I debated on whether I should call Auburn or not. I hadn't spoken to her since getting here to Lubbock and I was kind of wondering how things were for her down in Austin. Our junior year in high school she and I got really close due to having most of our classes the same. She became one of the few people that I trusted and in six short months she became my partner in crime while we were together in school and sometimes even outside of school.

                I sighed and reached for my phone, deciding that calling her would be a good idea before I went out with the others tonight. Scrolling to her name I called her and pressed the phone to my ear.

                "Sherlock!" Auburn's voice rang from the other side of the phone.

                I smiled and shook my head, "Hey Melon Slut." I replied using her own code name. When I said that she was my partner in crime I really meant it, okay not the crime part, but the part about her always being at my side while we did crazy shit yeah I really meant that.

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