Mi Amada

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I watch her check her make-up in the mirror for the umpteenth time. Completely unnecessary, I might add. She looks stunning. A vision; a body of a goddess, a sweet face, eyes showing exactly what she's feeling, and that business savvy brain. 

She's the total package. A full, soft, beautiful package.

I think back on the last time I held her in my arms. Her taste still lingers on my tongue and I hear her sweet moans when I close my eyes. That velvety pale skin, contrasting so beautifully with mine, those cute freckles, huddled together in some places like they raced to be in that spot.

The skin between her boobs has a cluster of those beauty spots, drawing attention to that sweet valley, my tongue desperate to taste the milk-chocolate sprinkles every time the scent of bananas hits my nose.

It was literally the last time.

I sigh and check the time. It's almost showtime.

Montell walks in with a wide grin on his face. That man has found what we all crave; happiness. In Mona and his little girl Renae. They are relationship goals.

I wish... I can wish whatever the hell I want. But I told her to follow her heart, and she did. She's happy this way. And that's all I ever wanted; for her to be happy.

I check the last things behind the bar and start up our order system before checking all the PDA's. My eyes take in my surroundings as a smile forms on my lips. She did so well with the interior design, tasteful, sexy, and functional. It's an honor to work here. And she really listens to us, allows us to be the experts we all are in our own field.

Montell's voice brings me back to the present.

"And we're open! Let's make this the best night ever!"

I watch the seats fill, leaning back against the shelves behind me. The people sound excited and are probably wondering where the cocktail waitresses are. They are in for a treat. Ama and Feli came up with something amazing. Something I hope they will repeat every Friday night.

The spotlight flicks on and draws all eyes to the curtain between the stage and backstage. I hold my breath as a foot dressed in a hot pink stiletto heel, connected to a curvy leg, slowly sticks through the fabric. A purple gloved arm sticks out too, reaching down to the ankle, slowly sliding up the leg till the inner thigh. 

The leg and arm disappear behind the curtain again and the music starts to play.

The slow bass and piano create a sexy atmosphere.

The curtain opens and out comes the ginger-haired goddess, dressed in a sparkly hot pink dress, swaying her hips as she struts down the runway towards the microphone. You can hear a pin drop while every single person inside of the club stares at the stage with their mouths open like fish on dry land.

She reaches the microphone in time and takes a breath, keeping her gaze on the floor in front of her. I can tell she's nervous, but as soon as the first words leave her plump lips she looks up, her green eyes lighting up like fireflies on a hot summer night.

"You had plenty money in 1922."

People were probably expecting her to lip-sync but she's singing it live. A tiny quiver in her voice at the start, slowly turning into a warm, honey-glazed tone, makes the hairs on my arms stand up. Casting a spell on everyone lucky enough to witness this marvelous event.

A shiver goes down my spine when she holds the note at the end of the song.

She gives the crowd time to applaud and cheer, looking around with a sexy smirk on her lips and her eyes sparkling with accomplishment.

She raises her hand, commanding silence, and starts talking as soon as she has it.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the new and improved 'Tits 'n Ass'. Enjoy your night, spend your money, watch the girls, and be respectful. Thank you so much for coming."

Her gloved hand touches her lips, blowing a few kisses into the crowd. She turns around when the intro of 'White Rabbit' starts, swaying her hips slowly as she walks back to the curtain, and opening it to let the girls out, all wearing vintage bunny outfits. Girls in every shape and color. Strippers and waitresses mixed together, dancing on stage.

The last one out is our male waiter Eric, wearing the same outfit as the bartenders but without a shirt. Ama kisses his cheek and disappears backstage after shooting one last cheeky look over her shoulder.

The waitresses dance down the stairs, taking their places in front of their designated section, Eric leaving the stage to make his way over to the pink V.I.P. area. The section has pink lounge sofas, a continuous flow of pink champagne, and pink petit fours. Eric will be tending to every need the female guests in that section might have.

And by the looks of it, he's going to be busy tonight. The area is packed with girls, screaming at the strippers still on stage, who are doing their group routine on the 'White Rabbit' remix. Feli dances in front, wearing the brightest smile I've ever seen on her.

The first orders start to come in and I focus on my job, mixing the drinks the waitresses need, the smell of joy and success encasing me.

I'm so proud to be here as part of her inner circle. Even if I don't share a bed with her anymore, she will always have a place in my heart. She's way too special to cut out of my life.

I will love Ama forever; mi Amada.  



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There you go. Bonus Chapter 1. (Yes, there's another one.)

Please let me know what you think.
And what you hope to see in the second one. :)

Thank you so much for loving this story.
It makes me believe I have some kind of talent here. ;)

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