(45) Amazed Ama

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I walk out of the building at a fast pace, waving at Mike and still giggling. I love my bestie and waking up with her is a guarantee for a happy start of my day. I love teasing her. But now I have to hurry or I will be late for my training session with Noah.

I smile like an insane person all the way over to the gym and rush in. 

Mary looks up and smiles at me. 

"Good morning, Mary! How are you today?"

"Good morning Ama! I'm good and I'm happy to see you! Noah is running late, but he will be here as soon as possible."

"Thanks, Mary. I'll get changed and start on my warm-up." 

I walk into the dressing room and change into my outfit of the day; black fitness leggings, sports bra, and a zip-up hoodie. 

I walk out into the gym and find Toren on one of the bikes."Morning mister Hollingsworth!"

"Morning miss Sendringham! Are you prepared for our meeting this afternoon?"

Oh fuck. I totally forgot about that and I'm taking the day off. 

Toren studies my expression, "What's going on?"

I decide to be honest, "I'm not going to be there. I have the day off. I'm pissed at my dad and I'm going to leave him hanging."

I get on the bike next to him, fiddle with the settings, and start pedaling.

"You're not? But I want to do this deal with you. Who am I meeting with?" 

I shrug and avoid eye contact with him. 

He stays silent for a bit and then asks: "He hasn't changed, has he? He still doesn't see you for what you're worth?" 

I snap my head up and stare at him in shock.

"Yeah, I might look dumb sometimes but I'm not. I know he's been selling your ideas as his own and he talks about you like you're a charity case. I know he's your dad but don't let him dim the light in you. You're smart and a hard worker and worth more than your cleavage."

I blush a deep red and see Noah walk in from the corner of my eye. 

I whisper a thank you at Toren and he says: "There's always a place for you in my company, but only if that makes you happy. I'll go to that meeting this afternoon and pretend to be shocked you're not there. And I'll walk out. I'm only negotiating with you, no one else."

I smile at him and he winks at me. Noah sees it of course and I'm sure the blush on my cheeks is still there too. He shoots me a confused look and I pretend not to see it. I'm not really sure I want to explain it all to him right now.

Toren gets up from his bike and puts his hand on my upper arm. "Stand up for yourself Ama. Your dad and his company don't deserve you." 

I stare at this tall, handsome man and see him in a completely different light. Who knew that there was a kind, observant man behind his amazing looks and business attitude. I look into his eyes and thank him. 

He nods at Noah and walks off to lift some weights.

My head turns to Noah as he walks up to me and he apologizes. "I'm sorry I'm late. I ran into Feli and she could use a friend. She looked so cute in the same outfit as her daughter. I said good morning when no one else would and gave her a hug. I'm so glad I could make her feel better."

He stays silent for a bit and sounds annoyed when he speaks up. "But I see I wasn't missed, so nice of Toren to help you."

Ah, he's jealous. Good! Cause I didn't like the way he was talking about Feli. I know she's gorgeous and I'm nothing like her, but fuck that annoys me. 

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