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I am sorry about the wait of the chapter. It's been crazy the past week. I will try to make another chapter within the next couple days! (WC: 4,332)

Without further ado I present:

Draco's POV

Lorenzo walks up to us, "Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, can I talk to you about something important?"

The thought of my daughter dating this git is going to tear me to shreds. My little girl is not old enough to have a boyfriend. Mainly a Parkinson, Pansy's younger brother! I want to throw this kid across the hall right now for even holding her hand, but I know Sky would avada my ass and Lycissa would never talk to me again. Is this what parenthood is? Wanting to avada your child's boyfriend or girlfriend just for them wanting to talk to you about something important?

I raise my eyebrows at him, "Yes Lorenzo? What can we help you with?"

Sky and I share a look as I respond, "Yes, you may, but if you hurt her, I will make sure your sister knows and I will allow Servius to break every bone in your body." Sky tugs at my arm, "Draco calm down. Yes Lorenzo, you can ask her out."

"Thank you so much! I will never hurt her. She's perfect in all ways and makes me the happiest person in the world" Lorenzo exclaim running to hug Sky. I smile at how happy she is knowing that our daughter will be happy, "Go on now Lorenzo, go get her! Remember what I said though!" Lorenzo runs off towards the common room to find Cissa.

Sky wraps her arms around me, looking at me with her blue eyes, "Y'know, you sound just like my dad when we started dating. He's rubbing off on you." I glance at her with a smug look, "Oh be quiet beautiful. He's not rubbing off on me. I still think she's too young for a boyfriend."

"You're still as big as a flirt as you were when we started dating. And she's the same age as we were when we were dating, so calm down." She says pulling me down giving me a kiss on the cheek. I kiss her and as she pulls away, I say, "I will forever be a flirt when it comes to you. I love you more than anything." Feeling her cheeks turn red, "I love you more. I don't ever want the flirting to stop. You still give me the butterflies just like you did when we were 10. How do you think Cissa will do in her first Quidditch match?" As we walk down the corridors I respond, "She's going to kick ass. Y'know that Adam's boy is the seeker for Gryffindor, so you know she's going to do her best to get her revenge."

Quidditch Day

Skyra's POV

The whole family came to watch Lycissa's first game, to support her, and secretly see if she's better than Draco was when he was the seeker for Slytherin during our time in school.

"Do you think sissy is going to win the game?" Servius questions and Lucius' responds, "If she's anything like your dad in Quidditch then she will for sure win the game."

As they finish talking, Lycissa and the Slytherin team flies out the field. Pansy turns towards me, "Look at her. Draco Jr., got his number and all." I see Cissa looking at me, so I smile at her from the Slytherin stands and mouth, "You got this baby girl. I love you." She smiles back at me and I hear Lorenzo say, "She's absolutely gorgeous." Pansy swings her body in his direction, "What did you just say Lorenzo Parkinson?! Do not let Draco Malfoy ever hear you call his daughter gorgeous. He will kill you in less than a second!" Lorenzo snarled back, "I said, she is gorgeous! I'm not scared to say it!"

Servius looks at Pansy, "He has a crush on her and isn't afraid of hiding it from anyone." I pull Servius next to me, "Be quiet, I know about your crush on that little Hufflepuff girl. Remember, I am a professor, I hear everything, and so does your dad. And Pans, Lorenzo asked for Draco's blessing and he gave the okay. Already threatened him too." Pansy smiles, "I swear you hurt her, Draco will hurt you." Dad adds in, "Hell, I would be worried about Lycissa hurting him. She punched the shit out of the Adam's boy and broke his nose."

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