The Cave

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Hey lovelies, sorry I haven't updated lately. I have been in the process of moving and I don't have internet at the moment, so while I'm at my parents for the weekend I am going to try to upload 2, maybe 3 chapters.

Thank you for being patient with me. If you don't already, follow my TikTok for the ongoing story continuation. There are some differences from my Wattpad and my TikTok. Also, I am in the midst of writing another book that isn't on my TikTok! Please stay tuned.

Without further ado, I present to you:


"Do you guys hear that?" Draco asks us. Blaise looks at him like he's crazy, "Hear what mate?"

"I hear a shuffling noise" I reply, "Babe, you know the drill." He smirks back at me, "Homenum Revelio. Blaise, go in the other rooms and do the same." Blaise starts to walk out of the room and before he even gets out of the doorway, he turns around, "It was only Nagini coming down the stairs."

Pansy being Pansy gets impatient and doesn't want to wait any longer, "CRUCIO! You little twirp." She looks in Blaise's direction, "Blaise ask the Dark Lord if Longbottom needs to live or if the piece of shit is just dead weight to us now." Blaise leaves the room and is gone for about five minutes and comes back.

"He said if we can get his you know what then he is dead weight" Blaise tells Pansy.

"Imperio. Crucio" Pansy throws at Neville. It causes him pain and discomfort but not enough for tears. "Sky, you have anything that will make him?"

Draco looks up at me while having this smug and ready to go to war look on my face. A face that only he has seen on few occasions where I become my feistiest.

He gulps, "Oh no. I know that look all too well. This is going to get interesting for sure. I suggest you standing back Blaise."

"Malfoy, what's about to happen?" Blaise asks with the worrisome voice

"Sectumsempra!" I yell out at Neville. He starts pouring tears and I get enough for a vial. I pour the tears into the Pensieve and stick my head in, revealing Longbottom's memories. "Go get the rest! Now! They need to see this!" I scream

The Dark Lord and the rest of them come in, "What is it Sky?"

"Watch it my Lord" I reply back to him.

He watches it, "Ahh, very well. Ms. Parkinson, you may continue. Then the four of you are excused to leave and return home."

"Blaise be afraid of her after this. I promise this will haunt you forever" I say with a little giggle behind it.

Pansy does a little giggle, "Oh Neville, I wish I could say that it has been a pleasure knowing you, but you are a weak and pathetic excuse of a Pure-Blood. Sky, you ready?"

"Ready as ever Pans."

We look at each other and smile, and in unison, "AVADA KEDAVRA!" The bolts of Green light flash before our eyes; a wonderful sight seeing that piece of shit Pure-Blood fall to the ground and watch his body disappear.

Blaise looks at Draco with his eyes widening, "Um well fuck.. Shit.. I think I'm going to step over here before she decides to kill me next."

I stand there a little quiet, angry, but I show no fear because I'm a strong and powerful bitch! "IMPERIO!"

"Sky?" Pansy says

"My Lord, is there anything else you need?" I question

He replies, "go home and be with the kids. Sky, don't think about what you just saw. Save your powers for later."

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