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While Pansy and George made their way to St. Mungos to check on the possible Weasley baby, everyone at the manor sat in shock with the information they were given. No one was mad at what happened between George and Pansy, for the fact that Blaise has never appreciated everything Pansy has done for him and the little he does for her and the kids.

After twenty minutes of silence in the room, Fred decided to break it. "I'm glad that finally came out. I had kind of hoped this would happen."

"Really Fred? Why?" Ginny questions her brother on the statement he made. Confused on if he knew all along this is what was going to happen.

"Just the way George looks at her. It's the same way that Draco still looks at Sky." He glances over at Crabbe who had a small smile on his face, "No offense Crabbe, but George has always had a better chance with Pansy if she and Blaise didn't work out."

"It's fine. Just seeing her smile is what makes me happy." Crabbe tells everyone, with a minor hint of hurt in his voice.


"George," Pansy begins with some tears in her eyes, "I'm sorry they had to find out that way. I was only trying to tell Sky, then Draco came in."

He cuts her off by pressing his lips on hers and pulling her into his arms, "Don't be sorry. I wanted it to come out. Just know that if you give me a chance then I will never take it for granted. You need to be happy and help you with the baby."

"Of course, I'll give you a chance. Let's just figure this baby stuff out and go from there."

"How can I help you, Pansy?" Madam Pomfrey appears out of nowhere, slightly scaring her.

Pansy looks up at her and with a little embarrassment on her face, she finally speaks up, "We were wondering if we could check on the baby and possibly get a DNA test done. If that's possible."

"Of course. It will take a few hours for the results, so I will get you set up in a room and get comfortable."

They are put into a room, Madam Pomfrey performs the tests and does a sonogram, and was able to hear the heart rate. Pansy is measuring around two almost three months and the heart rate was 158. Everything with the baby looked amazing and was healthy.

After three hours, Madam Pomfrey had returned to the room, where Pansy and George were looking at the sonogram and how small the baby is. "I have the results. Do you need a few minutes or would you like to know now?"

Pansy shifts towards George, "Is it okay if we found out now, George?"

"Of course," he takes Pansy's hand and rubs his thumb over her hand in hopes to calm her down.

Opening the envelope with the results, she takes a breath, "Mr. Weasley, you are 99.8 percent the father. Congratulations you two." She says, handing them the results and walking out of the room, leaving them alone.

George can see the betrayal Pansy is feeling. As much as she loves that George is the father, she feels horrible that she betrayed Blaise in such a way. She stands up and walks towards the window, staring out into the sky.

She feels the tears spill from her eyes, not knowing what to do and how her friends will feel about her. How will her kids feel about this? Sure they say they will accept whatever the outcome is, but that's before they find out that George is actually the father of this baby. Pansy just wants to be happy in life. Something she hasn't been in years, from all the fighting with Blaise.

George notices that she's crying, he gets up from the bed and hugs her from behind. Not saying anything for a few minutes he just holds her in comfort and what he wants is to make sure she's safe and happy. That's all he wants.

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