Durmstrang Visitor

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Servius knew that there could be a handful of people who would show up to Durmstrang not being happy with him. He knew that they were all capable of harming him in different ways; however, he didn't think that it could be that bad.

Until he turned around and saw the one person he didn't want to see.

Not his father nor brothers. Not even most of his sisters, but this one sister. This one sister is not the one to mess around with.

The smirk on her face and the look of pure anger was plastered on her face, "Hello brother." Punching him then turning around and walking off like a bad bitch.

"Lycissa, what the actual hell?!"

She turns around walked back towards him and grabbed him by his shirt, "You are such an insensitive coward! If you would've just said bye to mum this wouldn't have happened! If you didn't try to use that curse on Thomas, you wouldn't be here!" She paused a moment looking deep into her brother's eyes, "Y'know, me and Aunt Bella had a bet ya see. I didn't think you were going to last ten minutes in this Merlin forsaken school... She disagreed, she didn't think you would last five minutes!"

"For Merlin's sakes Lycissa, stop using dad's sayings! Grow up!" He shouted.

By this point, the whole Great Hall of Durmstrang was looking at the two siblings. The guys were googly eyeing Lycissa and thinking Servius is in trouble from this girl.

She started laughing, "Coming from the person who almost killed our brother and has broken our mum's heart so many times. But yet she loved you more than you have ever deserved to be loved. Shove off Servius! Stay away from our family until you can get your shit together, but knowing you, that won't ever happen!"

"I'm going to check on mum in the hospital. Dad hasn't left her side the entire week she's been there. He won't eat, barely sleeping or anything. All because he's scared something will happen if he closes his eyes or walks away to get food. I hope you're happy arsehole!" She shouts at him, turning away and disapperating out of Durmstrang.

The thoughts ran through his head on repeat of what she said. Was he really the reason that his mum was in the hospital? Did he cause her that much pain and heartache?

No, I can't be the reason she's in the hospital. If anything, Thomas would be the one in the hospital, not mum.

I know I've done some shitty things over the years, but I haven't done anything that would cause mum to be put into the hospital. Lycissa's lying. She has to be.

"That's your twin sister? She's hot as hell dude!" A kid sitting down a few seats from him said.

His face grew a crimson color. Although he was angry at his sister, that was still his sister. "She's about to be married and she has a kid. Back off."

Igor, the headmaster, walked over next to Servius, "go to your mum and apologize. Your sister is correct. I've known your family for many years and your mum has done everything for you and your siblings. If you don't go to her, I will make sure to torture you when you least expect it."

He knew that if he didn't go, the headmaster would most certainly torture him, and that's the last thing he wanted to go through. Torture from his family was enough, but someone who knew his family, that was just as bad, if not worse for him.

Taking a few moments to think about what he would say to his family, mainly his mum. Finally, he rose from his seat at the table, glancing at the headmaster, and disapparating to the hospital. He quickly went to the nurse's station and asked for his mum's room, then found his way.

He walked into the room "Mum?"

"Servius? What the hell are you doing here?!" Draco shouts at his son. He then looks at his daughter, "Lycissa, you didn't, did you?"

𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒌 {𝑫.𝑴.}Where stories live. Discover now