Secrets Not Regrets

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Life between Pansy and Blaise hasn't always been easy, especially at the beginning of their relationship back at Hogwarts. They had just gone through war, their best friends were being held in a safe house until Potter was taken care of; their whole relationship was a secret.

Now, everything is going downhill with them, but she had never thought that something like this could happen. Not even to them.

"Dude! What the actual fuck is wrong with you?!" Draco shouts at Blaise, trying to grasp what just happened moments ago.

"Nothing, Pansy had a problem and I solved it."

All the guys stared at each other trying to figure out how what he did solved any issue at all. After a moment Goyle spoke up, "That fixed it? You just made it worse. On every person here, you idiot!"

Fred and George said, "this isn't good. Not at all."

"Not only did you make it worse, but now Sky lost her best friend. All because you're an idiot! And can't even find the heart to show love and emotion towards your wife!" Draco slammed his hands against the counter. He knew this was going to stress Sky out more than she already is.

"I'm not a softie like you Malfoy. I am what I am!"

Draco lowered his head, his blonde locks fell in his face. Once lifting his head and ran his fingers through, pushing his hair back, "Grow the fuck up Zabini! It's not being soft. It's loving your wife. I wasn't soft until I got Sky, and it was the best thing that happened to me. Stop being so damn prideful!"

"Fuck you! I haven't loved her in years. Since the Avander started Hogwarts to be exact."

Within the next minute, before anyone could utter another word, Voldemort, Lucius, and Snape had appeared in the kitchen. "What is going on here? Why did Pansy show up telling me to kill her?" Voldemort asked him

"Just her being her dramatic bitch self"

Lucius looks at him confusedly, "What happened exactly?"

Draco looks at his father, "Sky got sick from the eggs and I was rubbing her back and Pansy asked Blaise why he couldn't be more like me and all hell broke loose."

"Seriously Zabini? Grow up! Pansy loves you and you love her," Snape commented

Blaise gave a sinister chuckle, "I haven't loved her since Avander started Hogwarts. I only stayed with her for the shagging. All she's good at, to be honest."

"Seriously Blaise?!" A familiar voice shouted.


"I came back here to work through this, but knowing you haven't loved me in years and kept me around for the shagging. I'm done!" She shouts, as her right-hand takes her wedding ring off her left ring finger, throwing it on the counter. Once again apparating out of the house with tears streaming down her face.

The women have gone into the den, so the guys could talk in private and the girls could understand what happened between Pansy and Blaise.

Aurora looked at Sky who was slowly taking bites of her oatmeal, "Mum, what happened out there?"

Looking up from her bowl, "Blaise and Pansy got into it and she left. The look on her face said that she wasn't coming back after this."

"What the fuck!" Lycissa yells.

"Your mum got sick and your dad was rubbing her back, Pansy asked Blaise, 'Why can't you be like Draco?' And all Blaise said was, 'I don't have a soft side. Whatcha see is whatcha get."

Bella became angry quickly, "Blaise is stupid. It's not that it's a soft side; it's caring and loving his wife. If he didn't want to do that then he shouldn't have married her or had kids with her!"

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