Sibling Rivalry

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"Evening everyone..."

She took a moment and paused, looking around at everyone at the table. Rarely ever nervous, she found herself at a loss of confidence; especially with everything going on in her life.

Taking a long and deep breath, "as many of you know, the original plan was for me to take Dumbledore out; however, due to certain circumstances, I can no longer do that." A sigh left her mouth, "so I thought that it would be best if one of the children were to do it. Now, obviously, we will have to work harder and be sneaky that way Dumbledore doesn't suspect anything from us."

"I volunteer to do it!" Lycissa shouted

Before she could continue Bella shouted over her, "No! I volunteer to do it!"

"Oh shut up Bella, this is my time to shine."

Rolling her eyes, Bella replied, "You had your time. It's my turn!"

Sick of both of her daughters' outbursts she slammed her hands on the table, "QUIET! If it means so much to both of you, then you will do it together."

"Do you think Bella can handle it, Skyra? She has never done something like this before," Bellatrix had questioned

"Shut up Bellatrix! I can handle it. I will show all of you!"

Igor looked at Skyra unsure if he should talk so he raised his hand.

"Igor, no need to raise your hand. What is it?"

"What is it that you need from me, your queen?"

She looked directly into his eyes though he sat down the table and with a voice of pure seriousness, "I need you to keep Servius out of the way. With how he has been recently, he will try to protect Dumbledore. I refuse to let him ruin this. Nor will I allow Dumbledore to get my child killed, regardless of how he may be acting at the moment."

As she finished her sentence, Nagini comes slithering up the table and stopped by Skyra.

Draco's eyes widen, "I swear that snake gets bigger every time we see her."

Skyra pets her head, "hey Nagini. Did you enjoy that mudblood for dinner? There will be more soon. Don't worry."

Most people are afraid of Nagini, but for some reason, Skyra had always taken a liking to the snake and vice versa. They had been close most of Skyra's life and Nagini has always protected her

"So how are we going to do this Sky," Blaise questioned his best friend and queen.

"Well, since Draco and Pansy are professors they will be helping me since I won't be able to do much with the triplets," a sad look appeared on her face. "But– we will train like we did for the other missions; just this time will be harder."

Taking a moment to contemplate her next words she closed her eyes and gathered her thoughts together, "now that I have all the horcruxes, we won't have to worry about them being destroyed. No one will find them. Hell, pregnancy brain won't let me remember where I put them; so no one else should be able to."

"Well, if you would stop getting pregnant you wouldn't have that issue," Snape said with a snarky attitude.

Everyone knew how Snape felt about Skyra and Draco being together and having kids, mainly at a young age. He has never been a fan of Draco, nor his daughter dating a Malfoy then proceeds to marry him.

Growing up Severus Snape was always treated differently due to his personality and as he grew older his personality continued to become stranger. Once he had his daughter, who he surrounded himself with was different. He raised his daughter around death eaters although he claimed that he was never apart of them nor did he believe in the message Lord Voldemort had.

𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒌 {𝑫.𝑴.}Where stories live. Discover now