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After your water breaks, you start having contractions more than you did the past few days.

"Mum, what do we do?! We can't go to St. Mungos, it's not safe." Draco says

Narcissa looks at him, "I will bring Madam Pomfrey here. Get her comfortable. I'll be back."

Pansy gets me settled where I'm comfortable and the contractions are getting closer and worse

"DRAAACOOO!" I yell as loud as I can

"That's all you mate," Blaise says concerned and freaked out

Draco comes in the room, "Yes my beautiful? What do you need? Water, food, more pillows?"

"Something to squeeze because these contractions are bloody horrid!" I say, "WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME MALFOY?!"

Mumsy and Madam Pomfrey arrive and come in the room getting everyone other than Draco, mumsy and Aunt Bella out

"Skyra, how are you doing? I'm going to see how dilated you are." She says. She checks and feels around, "You're at 6 CM, we need you at 10 before you can start pushing. How long ago did your water break?"

"About 25 minutes ago" Draco tells her

"Breathe baby, squeeze my hand when you need. I'm right here" He says

Aunt Bella looks at him, "She may break your hand Draco"

He glances at her, "It's okay, I'm the one who got her pregnant. I'm willing to take a broken hand for it."

13 hours has passed by; the contractions are 3 minutes apart and worse than ever

"Let's check now." Madam Pomfrey says, "Ahh, you're 9 CM. Prepare to push"

You are able to start pushing. After 45 minutes of pushing, the babies are born. They are both perfect angels. Looks just like Draco, with his Grey/Blue eyes, White hair.

"Oh baby, they are absolutely perfect. You did amazing darling" Draco says to me

"I'm sorry I broke your hand; I didn't mean to"

"I signed up for it the moment we found out you were pregnant. I'd let you break my hand forever for this." He proclaims

Everyone is brought is

"Pansy, Blaise, we have something to ask y'all." I say

Draco smiles at me, then looks at them, "We want you to be the god parents of the twins. What do you say?"

"OMG YES! I would love to!" Pansy screams

"Hell yeah mate." Blaise says high fiving Draco

Me and Draco are holding the babies and he can't stop smiling at the babies.

Mumsy is smiling at us, starting to tear up, "Have you decided on names for the angels?"

We look at each other and smile. He's holding baby boy and I'm holding baby girl

"Well, this handsome mini me is Servius Oliver Malfoy" Drays says

I give a big grin, "This beautiful Malfoy princess is Lycissa Amelie Malfoy"

"Those names are so pretty. How did you come up with them?" Pansy asks

Draco sits on the bed with me, "Servius is a combination of Severus and Lucius"

"And Lycissa is a combination of Lydia and Narcissa," I say

"I am so honored, and I know your mum would be honored too" Narcissa says, kissing Draco's head

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