Malfoy Manor

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It's been 8 months since Draco asked me to be his girlfriend. We still haven't told our parents. We wanted to make sure that we weren't going to break up right away if we realized we didn't want to be more than just friends. I hope that if something does happen to us, we can still be friends because I don't want to lose him as my best friend.

I just turned 14 and Draco turned 14 a few months ago, and everything with our relationship is absolutely perfect. I wouldn't change anything. I want to tell everyone how he's mine. Mainly since all the girls keep flirting with him in front of me, since no one knows we are together.

He's taking me with him to Malfoy Manor for the long weekend.


"Babe, are you about ready to head to my parents?" Draco calls from the bedroom while I finish getting dressed in the bathroom.

I walk out of the bathroom, "Yeah, I'm ready. Are you sure your parents are okay with me coming this weekend?"

"Have they ever not been okay with coming to the manor? Tell me, have they ever said you couldn't be there?" He asks me with this dumbfounded look

I stand there and think for a second, "No, they've always been welcoming and let me come over whenever I want. Dad said that he will be there for a meeting this weekend too."

He picks my bag up, "Yes, he will be there. How do you feel about telling everyone about us? It's been 8 months and I absolutely hate keeping us a secret. I want to show you off baby."

"Let's tell them. I'm tired of keeping us a secret too. I really do," I say as I grab his hand as we grab on to the port key to apparate to the manor.

We apparate to the manor and it seems a little darker than normal. Malfoy Manor has always been dark and sometimes lonely, but when I'm with Draco everything in the manor feels right.

"Are you okay princess?" Draco asks me

I look at the manor then look back at him, "Yeah, just a little nervous on how our parents are going to take this."

He moves his bag to the hand he is holding mine in, "It's going to be alright. They won't think different of us. I promise. No matter what happens, I'm not going anywhere. Now let's go in, it's getting cold."

We walk in the manor and hear a voice, "Draco, Skyra is that you darlings?"

"Yes mum, it's us." Draco shouts.

Mrs. Malfoy comes out of the kitchen, "Welcome home you two. Dinner is ready. Draco take y'all's bags up to your room and meet us in the dining room. Come on Skyra, let's get seated"

I follow her to the dining room and sit down and see Mr. Malfoy and my dad walk in from the office.

"Hello Skyra, how have you been?" Mr. Malfoy asks with a smile as him and my dad sit down at the table. Him and Mrs. Malfoy both sit at the heads of the table.

Draco always sits next to me, ever since we were little kids.

"I've been good. Thank you for letting me come to the manor with Draco for the weekend." I say with a smile.

Draco comes and sits down next to me, placing his hand on my head before he sits down.

Mrs. Malfoy says, "Sweetie, you are always welcome here. Always have been and always will be. And please call us Narcissa and Lucius. You've been around us long enough to know this by know."

"Yes ma'am." I respond

The house elf, Dobby brings out our dinner, of course it's steak, mashed potatoes, asparagus, and for dessert we have Pumpkin Tart. My absolute favorite dessert.

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