Chapter 27

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Charlottes PoV

"Adam just listen to me"
"No, there's no way"
"There's other opinions!"
"He's the best around. You're getting your hopes up just to hurt again."

I wanted to do more digging, see if there was anyone who had encountered our situation before. Maybe someone would know more than our pack doctor and help our child. But Adam wasn't up for it.
"So what? You've accepted that he will die? Your not willing to fight for our baby boy?" I snapped at him.
We had been for a scan, and our child was still growing, which the doctor wasn't expecting. He even told us we were having a boy.
"He's still alive Adam. He's fighting for his life. We have got to do something"
Adam looked at me with a very serious look on his face.
"Charlotte, it's more than likely that our child will die. I understand you want to save him, I do to! But if we go looking for help, we will have to tell everyone you're a fox. What if they try and hurt you? I have just about come to terms with loosing our baby, but loosing you? I couldn't. I just... I.." tears ran down his face as he couldn't finish his sentence.
I hugged him. Both of us crying.
I hadn't thought about the risks. I'd been too caught up in coming up with other solutions.
Frustratingly, he was right.
"So we just have to wait and see what happens?" I asked
"Let's go and speak to the doctor"
I nodded and followed Adam to the pack hospital. Half way there I was so tired Adam had to pick me up. Being pregnant was draining. It left me feeling tired and ill all the time.

"Alpha, Luna" the doctor bowed his head when we entered.
I smiled at him as Adam set me down on my own two feet.
"I'm glad you came by. I was going to call you and ask you to come and see me" the doctor started. He was routing through his drawers until he found a file, probably mine.
" I've been doing some research, I contacted a girl I trained with. She's from a different pack and I briefly explained the situation."
Adam stiffened which the doctor noticed.
"Don't worry, I trust her completely, she wouldn't tell anyone, and she doesn't know it's you two, she just knows it's someone from my pack, and I promise she won't say anything and-"
"Alright we get it" Adam cut him off.
The doctor cleared his throat and continued.
"We looked through your file together Charlotte. Your fox is moving the wolfsbane away from your child. I've never seen anything like it. We can't even find what she's doing with it. We think she's absorbing it herself or concentrating it somewhere else in your body. That explains why it's making you so ill."
"What does it mean? Will he be alright?" I quizzed, desperate for him to tell me that our child would be fine.
I glanced at Adam and even he looked hopeful.
"Alpha, Luna, your child has been exposed to the wolfsbane in the early stages. I'm not sure how damaging this will be for him. However he is still alive. Now I can't guarantee that he will be fine, but I do believe that if your fox can keep up whatever she is doing, he has a much better chance of survival."
I looked at Adam. He stood there in shock, not moving.
I tried to process what he just told us and a grin slowly made its way to my face.
The doctor continued "Charlotte, you just need to take it easy, rest as much as possible. You need to let your fox focus all her energy on protecting your child. If she fails, it's over."
I nodded.
Adam turned to face me, grinning like a child at Christmas. He picked me up and spun me around.
I laughed. I felt truly happy for the first time in weeks.
The doctor cleared his throat and raised an eyebrow.
Adam stopped spinning me immediately. "Sorry doc, take it easy, got it."
I laughed as Adam carried me home.
He wouldn't let me walk but I wasn't complaining.
As soon as we were home we went straight to bed. We'd been on an emotional rollercoaster and we were both shattered. I put on my PJs, cleaned my teeth and climbed in bed at the side of Adam.
He reached over and rested his hand on my small bump.
"There's no guarantee he will live but there's a chance. What will be will be" Adam smiled at me. "As long as I have you"
I nodded and leaned my head on his chest, already falling asleep.

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