Chapter 14

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Adams PoV
I sat in my office with Liam and my best warriors.
"They think my mate is dead and so have no fighter plans to attack us. We must strike before they find out she is alive."
The group murmured in agreement.
We sat for hours planning our attack. We decided that we would go in the next couple of days and take down alpha Roberts. Then the rest of the pack could either join us and accept Charlotte, or share their alphas fate.
We eventually brought our meeting to an end. My top warriors left to go and start training everyone who wanted to fight. I gave Liam the job of spreading the word around the rest of the pack.
I was going to go and break the news to Charlotte that we were planning an attack on her old pack.
I headed upstairs to find her.
Brooke saw me and marched over.
"Is it true? We are going to take on a whole pack just because they threatened one of ours?"
She didn't seem to happy.
"Yes Brooke. She's not just a member. She is your Luna, my mate. Our pack would fall without her." I frowned
My sister should be on board with this.
She sighed. "I guess so."
I ignored my sister, annoyed at her response, and went to find my mate.

I wiped the tears from Charlotte's face.
"There's a chance that when we take down the alpha your family and friends will join us. And if they still hate you then they don't deserve you anyway." I reasoned.
She nodded her head but stayed silent. This was so hard for her. We were going to war with her friends and family. You couldn't blame her for being upset.
"Until then you will have two guards with you permanently. Also you can't go outside, we can't risk them finding out your alive." She frowned but I continued. "Those guards will also stay with you here whilst we fight.."
"No!" She interrupted. "I will not stay here while you and everyone else puts their necks on the line for me. I will be there, fighting with you." She insisted.
I paused thinking. She glared at me, warning me not to say no.
I growled in anger. "Fine. You will not leave my side. And you do not try and sacrifice yourself like last time. If you die, I can't live without you and the pack would fall anyway. We are in this together. As a team."

Charlottes PoV
I sat stunned at his words. He pulled me into his arms and we sat there silently holding each other. I could tell his wolf was uneasy and so was my fox. I didn't like talking about either us, or the pack falling.
I just hope it all goes well.

Sorry I've not been updating, I'm going to start continuing this book again so keep reading :)

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