Chapter 29

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Charlottes PoV

I woke up alone in the bed. I could still smell Adam nearby and assumed he was making breakfast again.
I loved him but ever since the doctor told me to 'rest and take it easy' Adam hadn't let me even leave the bedroom. It was always breakfast in bed or take out for tea in bed, or board games in bed. The only time I left was to use the bathroom.
I felt a little stronger today so I decided to go downstairs and eat my breakfast in the kitchen.
I struggled to walk down the stairs. I'd never done it with a baby bump before!
Finally I made it to the kitchen to find Adam flipping little pancakes and chopping strawberries, my favourite.
He saw me and frowned.
"Why are you down here." He marched over to me and tried to pick me up to take me back upstairs.
I slapped his hands away from me.
"I have not hauled myself out of bed and made it all the way to the other side of this huge house for you to take me right back where I came from. Let me eat my breakfast down here!" I pleaded.
He was clearly unhappy so I pouted and gave him my most innocent look.
Adam sighed and pulled out a chair for me to sit on.
I did feel slightly faint and was glad of the seat, but I still smiled triumphantly at Adam. He shrugged and began plating up the pancakes.
I won't lie, my headache came back and the smell made me queasy, but if I mentioned anything, he would send me straight back upstairs to rest some more. As if I hadn't lay down enough the past few months.
Liam and Lulu walked in and seemed shocked to see me.
"Hey" the both greeted me.
I smiled in return as they sat down at the table with me.
"Is there enough for us?" Liam quizzed Adam.
"Oh come on man. Just me then?" Liam begged.
Lulu gasped and playfully slapped his arm.
"There's plenty" I interrupted. "Adam always makes way to much for me."
Liam jumped up and fist bumped the air.
I laughed, but a sharp pain in my stomach stopped me immediately.
Lulu noticed. She mouthed so the boys didn't hear us are you okay?
I nodded and brushed it off as they returned to the table with pancakes.
They were all laughing and talking. I'd missed this.
I looked at my pile of pancakes and decided I couldn't stomach it. My head was pounding.
I tried to stand up to get some water and the room started to spin. Adam grabbed my hand. "Hey, what do you want? I'll get it"
I grabbed the table with my other hand to stop myself falling over and squeezed my eyes shut. Something wasn't right.

Adams PoV

All of a sudden Charlotte went very pale. She was clinging onto the table as if she couldn't stand up herself.
I got up quickly, and stood at her side.
"Charlotte what's wrong?"
She opened her eyes but she looked frighteningly distant.
Her face screwed up in pain and her hands shot to her stomach.
Panic rose within me.
Without the support of the table Charlotte fell, but I caught her before she hit the floor.
I picked her up and started to carefully run towards the pack doctor.
Her eyes started to close.
"Charlotte, Charlotte! Keep your eyes open baby. You're alright. Please stay with me. Please Charlotte."
I kept talking to her all the way to the pack doctor, desperately trying to keep her awake.

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