Chapter 4

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Charlotte's PoV
My whole body was aching. I tried to open my eyes but the light burned and I quickly shut them again. I could hear people shuffling and talking so I tried again, opening them slowly letting my eyes adjust.
I was in a comfy white bed in a small room. I had no idea how I got here.
At the end of the bed were two men. One was dressed like a doctor and the other was just handsome.
Woah... what am I thinking. I don't even know this guy.
I shook away my thoughts and listened to their conversation.
"Will she be alright?" He asked seriously. He had power radiating off him. A lot of power. He must be an alpha.
"She should be alpha" he replied
Ah I was right. I'm a genius.
The alpha seemed to relax a little and looked towards me. He noticed I was awake and made his was to the side of the bed.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" He questioned.
I tried to sit up, making me wince in pain. I guess that answers his question.
He leaned forwards and pushed a piece of hair out of my face. Sparks tingled where his fingers touched my face and Jenny began to stir.
He's our mate she whispered in my head
My eyes widened and I jolted back. He looked concerned at my sudden movement.
I felt my eyes brimming with tears "do you want to kill me too?" I asked. My previous alpha, even my family don't want to know me. Why would my mate be any different.
Anger was apparent on his face. A replica of Alpha Roberts after my shift. I cowered in my bed and squeezed my eyes shut.
After a moment nothing happened so I opened my eyes again.
"Why would I want to do that?" He asked. He looked almost hurt that I said that.
"I.. I don't know" I sighed. I honestly didn't. Why did they hate me so much.
My mate smiled down at me "My mate is an amazing, rare, powerful fox shifter. Why on earth would I hurt you?"
"I'm a fox?" I questioned him
He grinned and nodded. "Did you not know?"
"No" I replied. "I thought I was a wolf" I paused for a moment and thought about what this meant.
"Is this why my family and pack hate me? Because I'm a fox?"
My mate sighed. "Probably. You see most people respect the fox shifters. They are stronger than most werewolves and we think they have been around much longer. However some packs were jealous of their power. The fox shifters were hunted for years making them become very rare. Most people believe that they are extinct or live their lives pretending to be real foxes or humans. I guess your pack must have been one that wanted them extinct" he explained to me.
I nodded. It hurt that my family hate what I am. They wanted me dead.
"How am I a fox when my family are wolves?"
"You must be distantly related to a fox shifter. The werewolf gene is the more dominant one and so the chances of you getting the fox gene is very rare but clearly you managed it." He seemed almost proud of me.
"One more question" I said. He laughed " your full of questions aren't you my little mate"
I smiled at him. "What's your name?"
"I am Alpha Adam of the moonlight pack. What's yours?"
"I'm Charlotte. Just plain Charlotte" I laughed and his face held an amused smile.
"Your not plain at all my little fox"

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