Chapter 37

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Charlottes PoV

I left Asher with Lulu and made my way to the office, hoping Adam would already be in there.
I swung the door open a little harder than I meant to. Adam jumped and looked in my direction.
Ignoring the way I burst into the room, I shut the door carefully and walked towards the desk.
"So, Lulu is looking after Asher today. I was hoping to get all of this work finished today. It's taking too long. I want to finish it all and then we can move on and forget what happened."
Adam nodded his head at my idea, silently agreeing.
I grabbed a notepad to make a list of what needed sorting today. I liked checking things off a list, it makes me feel more productive.
"There's a couple of funeral dates to decide on. Some have family members left and a couple don't" I stated.
"I'm going to do a respectful remembrance for those with no family to organise their funeral and then we could pass the planning for the others down to family members." Adam suggested.
I nodded and immediately checked funerals off my list.
"Orphans" I said out loud as I wrote it down on my list.
"All now in the orphanage." Adam replied.
I shook my head. "That's not the end to that problem. We can't just leave them there. They need homes" I argued.
Adam agreed and started rustling through papers, trying to find and answer.

We spent the rest of the day trying to iron out each problem, batting ideas back and forth between each other.
We were being really productive and I was enjoying us working together so much I almost lost sight of my plan. Almost.
I scammed my eyes down the list and reached one name that always sparked Adams anger.
"Alpha Roberts" I stated.
Immediately Adam froze.
"He is dead" he growled
"But you keep telling me this, yet we haven't got a body. How do you know he's dead?" I pushed. Honestly, I did want the answer to this question. I wasn't just trying to annoy him.
"It doesn't matter. He can't hurt you again!" Adam raised his voice.
"It does matter. It would put my mind at rest!" I matched his tone.
Adam growled even louder and tears started to form in my eyes.
I pushed them back. I didn't want to cry right now. That would be pathetic.
"Adam, I feel like you know something that I don't." I said. I wasn't even talking about Alpha Roberts right now. I was hinting at him cheating on me. More tears welled in my eyes but I refused to let them out.
"You know what you need to" he muttered.
With that he stood up and left the room, saying something about going for a walk.
I wanted to curl up and cry, but I needed to follow him right now.
I wiped my eyes dry and composed myself, before very carefully heading out in the same direction as Adam.

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