Chapter 34

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Charlottes PoV

We wandered through the woods just chatting. There was one moment where Liam and Adam started to drift towards work talk but Lulu and I interrupted them immediately.
"This is an official break from work guys" I stated.
Liam rolled his eyes and took hold of Lulu's hand instead.
As alpha and Luna, we are never on a break babe
Adams voice rang through my head mocking me.
I dramatically sighed as if I wasn't happy with that answer and he growled slightly, it was almost inaudible.
I grinned. I loved it really. I had an amazing mate, a great pack to lead and just to top it off, we had a beautiful child. I was truly lucky.
Adam squeezed my hand, probably sensing how happy I was.
We reached a small clearing, not too far into the woods. I picked Asher up out of the pram and placed him gently onto the ground.
As the alphas son he was already crawling really well. This was his first time on grass though and he wasn't sure what to think.
The four of us sat quietly in the clearing for quite a while. Each enjoying a little bit of peace and the company of others at the same time.
Finally, Adam broke the silence.
"I want him to meet my wolf"
I looked at him and smiled.
Liam and Lulu stood up and excused themselves. Shifting with your child for the first time was a special moment and quite private. I was grateful for their respect.

I sat down next to Asher and put him onto my lap. Adam moved away from us both and began to shift, shredding his clothes in the process.
In no time, his huge back wolf stood there before us.
Asher'a little eyes were wide open as he stared at his Dad. I watched him closely, praying that he wasn't going to be terrified.
Adam lay down on the ground in an attempt to be less intimidating.
Immediately, Asher crawled off my lap straight towards him.
I could feel the pride from Adam rushing through our mate bond.
Asher reached up to touch Adams nose.
For the first few minutes Adam stayed completely still, letting Asher run his fingers through Adams hair.
Once he was comfortable enough, Adam leaned forwards and licked his face.
Asher looked stunned for a moment before bursting into laughter.
Your turn babe Adam encouraged me to shift too.
I took a deep breath and shifted behind them. Every time I shifted I was thankful that my clothes didn't shred like Adams.
I let Jenny take over as she excitedly jumped about behind Asher barking.
Asher didn't even flinch, like he hadn't heard us. He continued playing with Adams fur and pulling his tail.
I could feel how disappointed Jenny was for a moment.
As if he knew what I was thinking, Adam carefully picked him up and turned him to face me.
The second Asher's eyes landed on me he smiled. Just like he had with Adam he immediately crawled over and began playing with my fur.
Jenny purred as she lay down and curled her whole body around him and gently licked his head.
Adam stood protectively over us as I groomed him.
We stayed like this for another hour until Asher fell asleep, so we took him back home to bed.

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